is Just Another Quickrun plugin for Neovim that was inspired by quickrun.vim. In short, it is a plugin that lets you run the code of any language with a single command.
use {"is0n/jaq-nvim"}
cmds = {
-- Prefix with a ':' to use a vim command
lua = ":luafile %",
vim = ":source %"
markdown = "glow %",
python = "python3 %",
go = "go run %",
sh = "sh %"
behavior = {
-- Default type
default = "float",
-- Start in insert mode
startinsert = false,
-- Use `wincmd p` on startup
wincmd = false,
-- Auto-save files
autosave = false,
-- Close existing Jaq buffers
closeexisting = false
ui = {
float = {
-- See ':h nvim_open_win'
border = "none",
-- See ':h winhl'
winhl = "Normal",
borderhl = "FloatBorder",
-- See ':h winblend'
winblend = 0,
-- Num from `0-1` for measurements
height = 0.8,
width = 0.8,
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5
terminal = {
-- Window position
position = "bot",
-- Window size
size = 10,
-- Disable line numbers
line_no = false
quickfix = {
-- Window position
position = "bot",
-- Window size
size = 10
"lua": ":luafile %",
"vim": ":source %",
"markdown": "glow %",
"python": "python3 %",
"go": "go run %",
"sh": "sh %"
In the current working directory, Jaq
will search for a file called .jaq.json
This config file will be used for running commands, both external and internal.
by default uses the float
type to run code. The default can be changed (see Example Lua Config
To use any other type, provide any of the arguments seen in Demonstration
Example: :Jaq bang
The commands for :Jaq
also have certain variables that can help in running code.
You can put any of the following in require('jaq-nvim').setup()
or .jaq.json
• Current File#
• Alternate File$dir
• Current Working Directory$filePath
• Path to Current File$fileBase
• Basename of File (no extension)$moduleName
• Python Module Name