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A swiss army knife plugin that super charges ⚡️ your micro text editor


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🧰 Micro Omni

A swiss army knife plugin that super charges ⚡️ your micro text editor

List of features:

📦️ Installation

You can install MicroOmni using micro -plugin install OmniMicro by either

  • Add it to "pluginrepos" in settings.json, like
"pluginrepos": [
"pluginchannels": [
  • Alternatively, you can git clone to your micro plug directory

📐 Requirements

All of these are available for Unix and Windows

Windows link to requirements

Alternatively, you can get all the required executables you need for Windows in Release


On Windows, the directory that has the required executables must be added to the PATH environment variable

🔍️ Fuzzy Search For Text Globally

Search Gif


The above gif is from older version. The latest version will show the default keybindings in fzf Search Header

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-F": "command:OmniGlobalSearch",
    "Alt-Shift-F": "command:OmniGlobalSearch"

To find a with keyword(s), launch command OmniGlobalSearch which is bindable to a key.

  1. Enter the search directory, empty current root directory. {fileDir} can be used to substitute with current file directory
  2. Enter keywords (separated by spaces) to be searched (This is using ripgrep and not fuzzy search)
  3. If successful, a fzf window will be launched. You can now filter with fzf fuzzy search.
  4. Here are the keybindings by default configured:
    • enter: Select
    • alt-enter: Output the current filtered results to a new buffer
    • up/down: Navigate results
    • alt-up / alt-down: Navigate half page of results
    • page-up / page-down: Scroll up and down for the preview window
    • alt-f: Search again with text in the input field (Non fuzzy but case insensitive)
    • alt-q: Abort

⚙️ Fuzzy Search Settings

  • OmniFzfCmd: The fzf location.
    • Defaults to "fzf"
  • OmniNewFileMethod: How to open the new file. Available options are:
    • smart_newtab: (Default) Opens the new file in newtab if not opened already
    • thispane: Opens in current pane
    • newtab: Opens in new tab
    • vsplit: Opens in new pane as vertical split
    • hsplit: Opens in new pane as horizontal split
  • OmniGlobalSearchArgs: Argument to be passed to fzf. It defaults to the following:
Common.OmniContentArgs =
            "--header='enter: select | alt-enter: output filtered results | alt-q/esc: exit | "..
            "page-[up/down]: preview-[up/down] | alt-[up/down]: half-page-[up/down]' "..
            "--bind 'alt-f:reload:rg --glob=!.git/ -i -F -uu -n {q}' "..
            "--delimiter : -i --reverse "..
            "--bind page-up:preview-half-page-up,page-down:preview-half-page-down,"..
            "alt-up:half-page-up,alt-down:half-page-down,alt-q:abort "..
            "--bind 'alt-enter:change-multi+select-all+accept' "..
            "--preview-window 'down,+{2}-/2' "..
            "--preview 'bat -f -n --highlight-line {2} {1}'"

🧭 Fuzzy Search For Text Locally

Local Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-f": "command:OmniLocalSearch"

Similar to "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally", this do a fuzzy search for the current file. This is achieved by bat the file on disk to fzf, therefore you should save before searching.

The default control is the same as "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally".

To search, simply launch the OmniLocalSearch command.

⚙️ Fuzzy Search Settings

  • OmniLocalSearchArgs: Argument to be passed to fzf with {filePath} substitute with the current file path. It defaults to the following:
Common.OmniLocalSearchArgs =
            "--header='enter: select | alt-enter: output filtered results | alt-q/esc: exit | "..
            "page-[up/down]: preview-[up/down] | alt-[up/down]: half-page-[up/down]' "..
            "--bind 'start:reload:bat -n --decorations always {filePath}' "..
            "-i --reverse "..
            "--bind page-up:preview-half-page-up,page-down:preview-half-page-down,"..
            "alt-up:half-page-up,alt-down:half-page-down,alt-q:abort "..
            "--bind 'alt-enter:change-multi+select-all+accept' "..
            "--preview-window 'down,+{1}-/2' "..
            "--preview 'bat -f -n --highlight-line {1} {filePath}'"

📝 Fuzzy Search For Files

Search File Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-G": "command:OmniGotoFile",
    "Alt-Shift-G": "command:OmniGotoFile"

Similar to "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally", this do a fuzzy search for all the files The default control is the same as "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally".

To search, simply launch the OmniGotoFile command.

⚙️ Fuzzy Search Settings

  • OmniNewFileMethod: Same as previous
  • OmniGotoFileArgs: Argument to be passed to fzf. It defaults to the following:
Common.OmniGotoFileArgs = 
            "--header='enter: select | alt-enter: output filtered results | alt-q/esc: exit | "..
            "page-[up/down]: preview-[up/down] | alt-[up/down]: half-page-[up/down]' "..
            "-i --reverse "..
            "--bind page-up:preview-half-page-up,page-down:preview-half-page-down,"..
            "alt-up:half-page-up,alt-down:half-page-down,alt-q:abort "..
            "--bind 'alt-enter:change-multi+select-all+accept' "..
            "--preview-window 'down' "..
            "--preview 'bat -f -n {}'"```

## 🚀 Word Jumping (EasyMotion)
To jump to a word anywhere on the screen, launch the `OmniJump` command **WITH** a keybinding

![Word jumping gif](./Resources/WordJump.gif)

Recommended binding:
    "Alt-j": "command:OmniJump"

📔 Global Cursor History

When you are editing multiple files or jumping between different functions, a history of the cursor location is stored. You can go to previous or next cursor position by launching the OmniPreviousHistory and OmniNextHistory commands.

This is similar to the navigate back and forward commands in VSCode Global Cursor History Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-{": "command:OmniPreviousHistory",
    "Alt-}": "command:OmniNextHistory",
    "Alt-Shift-{": "command:OmniPreviousHistory",
    "Alt-Shift-}": "command:OmniNextHistory"

⚙️ Global Cursor History Settings

  • OmniNewFileMethod: Same as previous
  • OmniHistoryLineDiff: Sets how many line difference count as new cursor history. Defaults to 5
  • OmniHistoryTimeTravelMulti: Multiplier to OmniHistoryLineDiff when in cursor history

🔲 Centering Cursor To Viewport

It centers your cursor to the middle of your viewport.

Center Gif Recommended binding:

    "Alt-m": "command:OmniCenter"

🦘 Jump Selection

Jump Select Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-J": "command-edit:OmniJumpSelect ",
    "Alt-Shift-J": "command-edit:OmniJumpSelect "

To select a section based on line number, launch the OmniJumpSelect command with the line number specified.

By default it uses relative line numbers, so 5 is 5 lines down and -5 is 5 lines up. This can be configured to use absolute line number. See settings.

⚙️ Jump Selection Type Settings

  • OmniSelectType: Sets the jump selection type. Can either be relative (default) or absolute

🔀 Better Multi Cursor

It spawns/moves your cursor to the next highlight match, or act the same as SpawnMultiCursor if there's no highlight

Meaning you can use regex expression to spawn multi-cursors.

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-d": "command:OmniSpawnCursorNextHighlight"

⚙️ Better Multi Cursor Settings

Due to how the lua interface works, AddCursor() (from micro) was not added until recently. Therefore, a workaround was created to add multi cursor but this doesn't behave exactly like SpawnMultiCursor.

The differences are that AddCursor() will select the highlight text but the workaround will simply just add the cursor to the end of the highlight.

This can be set with OmniCanUseNewCursor.

If you are on latest master or using my fork you can safely turn OmniCanUseAddCursor on, otherwise just leave it because it can crash micro.

  • OmniCanUseAddCursor: Sets if MicroOmni can use the AddCursor() interface or not.
    • Defaults to false

🗃️ Fuzzy Search For Opened Tabs

Search Tab Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-T": "command:OmniTabSearch",
    "Alt-Shift-T": "command:OmniTabSearch"

Similar to "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally", this do a fuzzy search for all the files The default control is the same as "Fuzzy Search For Text Globally".

To search, simply launch the OmniTabSearch command.

⚙️ Fuzzy Search Settings

  • OmniNewFileMethod: Same as previous
  • OmniTabSearchArgs: Argument to be passed to fzf. It defaults to the following:
Common.OmniTabSearchArgs = 
            "--header='enter: select | alt-enter: output filtered results | alt-q/esc: exit | "..
            "page-[up/down]: preview-[up/down] | alt-[up/down]: half-page-[up/down]' "..
            "--bind 'start:reload:bat {filePath}' "..
            "--delimiter : -i --reverse "..
            "--bind page-up:preview-half-page-up,page-down:preview-half-page-down,"..
            "alt-up:half-page-up,alt-down:half-page-down,alt-q:abort "..
            "--bind 'alt-enter:change-multi+select-all+accept' "..
            "--preview-window 'down,+{2}-/2' "..
            "--preview 'bat -f -n --highlight-line {2} {1}'"

➕ Newtab Next To Current Tab

You can create a newtab either on the right or left of the current tab by launching OmniNewTabRight or OmniNewTabLeft command

New Tab Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-t": "command:OmniNewTabRight"

↔️ Tab Bar Scrolling

When you have too many tabs, you can scroll via them without switching by launching OmniTabScrollLeft or OmniTabScrollLeft command

Tab Scrolling Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-PageUp": "command:OmniTabScrollLeft",
    "Alt-PageDown": "command:OmniTabScrollRight"

🧦 Diff View

To compare the current buffer with another buffer of file, launch the OmniDiff command. Buffers are not required to be saved in order to perform the diff.

Diff View Gif

When being asked on what to diff, you can either specify a filename or a tab The syntax for diffing a tab is as follow tab:[+/-]<tab index>[:<split index>]

With + or - means it will be relative tab index, or absolute otherwise, similar to tabmove. The split index can be used to specify which split to be diff against

Recommended binding:

None (Invoke it in command pane)

🔦 Highlight Only (Before finding next)

To highlight anything without going to it, launch the OmniHighlightOnly command.

Highlight Gif

Recommended binding:

    "Alt-h": "command:OmniHighlightOnly"

📁 Copy Current File Path

You can copy the current file absolute or relative path with OmniCopyRelativePath and OmniCopyAbsolutePath command.

Recommended binding:

None (Invoke it in command pane)

🗺️ Minimap

Minimap Gif Recommended binding:

    "Alt-M": "command:OmniMinimap",
    "Alt-Shift-M": "command:OmniMinimap"

To see an overview of the current file based on indentation, launch the OmniMinimap command. By default it will show neighboring lines as "context" if they have the same indentations

⚙️ Minimap Settings

  • OmniMinimapMaxIndent: Max indent limit to be shown in the minimap
    • Defaults to 5
  • OmniMinimapContextNumLines: Max number of context lines
    • Defaults to 20
  • OmniMinimapMinDistance: Min skipping distance for the minimap
    • Defaults to 20
  • OmniMinimapMaxColumns: Max number of columns in minimap, and use "..." if doesn't fit
    • Defaults to 75
  • OmniMinimapTargetNumLines: Number of lines aiming to have for the minimap
    • Defaults to 100
  • OmniMinimapScrollContent: Automatically scroll the content buffer when navigating in the minimap
    • Defaults to true