OpenShift is a great PaaS offering by Red Hat. At the moment Go is not currently on the supported platform list. However Red Hat have kindly provided a DIY cartridge to run whatever you want on the platform. As Go is one of my favourite languages I thought I'd put together a template that can be used to deploy a basic Go application.
Create a OpenShift account. Go to to create an account.
Install the OpenShift client tools.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
sudo wget
sudo yum install rhc -
Create a new domain
rhc-create-domain --namespace your-namespace --rhlogin your-login
Create a new application
rhc-create-app --app your-appname --type diy-0.1 --rhlogin your-login
Add this as an upstream repository
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master -
Build the source and copy the output to your bin directory (updated for Go version 1)
cd server
go build
mv server ../bin -
Push to your OpenShift repository
git commit -a -m "My first go + openshift application"
git push -
You are good to Go! You can read more about the OpenShift DIY cartridge here.
This skeleton project depends on the fact that the OpenShift images that are deployed are running on Linux x86_64 virtual machines. However the OpenShift toolkit is available for both Windows and Mac OSX. In order to use this toolkit on these platforms the following additional steps need to be used to create a cross compiler for the non Linux development environments:
Get the latest release of the Go source code.
Extract the source code and compile it, targeting the Linux platform and architecture
tar xzvf go*.tar.gz
cd go/src
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 ./make.bash -
If everything worked you should see:
Installed Go for linux/amd64 in Your build directory
Installed commands in Your build directory/bin -
Try to build the project now using the go compiler we just created
cd golang-openshift/server
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 ~/xcompile/go/bin/go build
The output file will run on a Linux AMD64 box but not locally which is a bit of an annoyance. The alternative would be to create a copy of the Go runtime on the Linux machine and compile the code remotely.