Use Doctrine ODM beta 3 right now in Zend Framework
- Provides Doctrine's ODM via a fully configurable Zend_Application resource plugin
- Provides a Zend_Auth adapter
- Provides a Zend_Paginator adapter
- Caching via a Zend_Cache_Core instead of Doctrine's cache, you can use your usual backends
- You can define caching in Zend_Application's CacheManager resource plugin
- Works with models dispatched in modules
- It's currently not possible to implement the Doctrine's event manager just by configuration. You have to code a bit.
- It's currently not possible to implement via configuration a custom mapping driver, you have to stick with Annotation, XML, Yaml or Chain
pluginpaths.Axiomes\Application\Resource\ = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/Axiomes/Application/Resource/"
autoloadernamespaces[] = "Axiomes"
// if your Doctrine source is directly in include path
autoloadernamespaces[] = "Doctrine"
autoloadernamespaces[] = "Symfony"
If you have a more complex vendor libraries layout, check out Doctrine-Common-For-Zend-Framework, wich provides an easy way to solve class loading issues via Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader :
// resources.doctrineloader.classLoaderPath = LIBRARY_PATH "/vendor/doctrine-common/lib/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php"
// resources.doctrineloader.namespaces.Doctrine\MongoDB = LIBRARY_PATH "/vendor/doctrine-mongodb/lib"
If the default "localhost" config doesn't suit your needs:
resources.odm.connection.server = ..
resources.odm.connection.options.connect = false
--other options are explained on's MongoDB documentation ---
// proxies and hydrators
resources.odm.configuration.proxyNamespace = "Proxies"
resources.odm.configuration.proxyDir = "/path/to/proxies"
resources.odm.configuration.autoGenerateProxyClasses = 0
resources.odm.configuration.hydratorNamespace = "Hydrators"
resources.odm.configuration.hydratorDir = "/path/to/hydrators"
resources.odm.configuration.autoGenerateHydratorClasses = 0
//annotation driver
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.type = "annotation"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.readerParams.defaultAnnotationNamespace = "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.path.1 = "/path/to/documents" //optional
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.path.2 = "/other/path/to/documents" //optional
//xml or yaml:
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.type = "xml" //or yaml
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.path.1 = "/path/to/mappings"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.path.2 = "/other/path/to/mappings"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.param.fileExtension = ".my.extension" //if you want to override defaults
//driver chain
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.type = "chain"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.drivers.my_namespace.type = //one of the above drivers types
resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.drivers.my_namespace.path = //just configure it as you would do it above
;resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.drivers.my_second_namespace.type = //and add other drivers...
;resources.odm.configuration.metadataDriverImpl.drivers.my_second_namespace.path = ...
//optional class metadata factory's name override
resources.odm.configuration.classMetadataFactoryName = "MyOwnMetadataFactory"//optional
resources.odm.configuration.defaultDB = "myDefaultDB"
The "Axiomes_Cache_DoctrineCompatible" class mentioned here can be found in the Doctrine-Common-For-Zend-Framework repository
//if you use the CacheManager resource plugin, add a Doctrine Compatible cache : = "Axiomes_Cache_DoctrineCompatible"
resources.cacheManager.myMetadataCacheName.frontend.customBackendNaming = true
--other frontend options and backend options--
//and just add this line to your doctrine config
resources.odm.configuration.metadataCacheImpl = "myMetadataCacheName"
//or you can build directly your own instance : = "Axiomes_Cache_DoctrineCompatible"
resources.odm.configuration.metadataCacheImpl.customBackendNaming = true
--other frontend options and backend options--
// you need a QueryBuilder instance
$qb = $documentManager->getRepository('ExampleDocument')
->field('someField')->equals($someValue) //build your query params if needed
$adapter = new \Axiomes\Paginator\Adapter\Odm($qb);
$paginator = new \Zend_Paginator($adapter);
$adapter = new \Axiomes\Auth\Adapter\Odm();
->setIdentityField('username') //default value
->setCredentialField('password') //default value
->setCredentialTreatment('md5') //optional, callback function
$result = \Zend_Auth::getInstance()->authenticate($adapter);
Put a module bootstrap in module's root and override it's resource autoloader
* I like to have my modules like this :
* -mymodule
* -controllers
* -domain
* -documents
* -entities //when i also use Doctrine 2 Orm
* -repositories
* -forms
* -services
* -views
* Bootstrap.php
class Blog_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap{
public function initResourceLoader(){
$resourceLoader = parent::getResourceLoader();
'documents' => array(
'namespace' => 'Document',
'path' => 'domain/documents'
'entities' => array( //if you also use doctrine2 orm
'namepsace' => "Entity",
'path' => 'domain/entities"
'repositories' => array(
'namespace' => 'Repository',
'path' => 'domain/repositories'
Feel free to fork, pulls are welcome