ScreenToGif 2.26
What's new?
• Time-lapse recording!
• The built-in encoders got re-designed from scratch!
• Now you can select the color quantization method (Neural, Octree, MedianCut, Grayscale, and MostUsed) and understand the differences.
• You can select the the amount of colors used for the Neural, Octree, MedianCut, Grayscale, and MostUsed quantization methods.
• Added support for transparency in the built-in encoder (works with all quantization methods).
• You can now switch between capture frequency modes from the recorder window (when paused or stopped, and even change the framerate).
• The encodings are now displayed in a popup attached to the editor (but you can still use the older alternative, a separated window).
• You can now see the total elapsed time of the encoding process.
• The 'Quality' slider of the Neural quantization method is now called 'Sampling', and it's properly explained what it means.
• Updated the Hungarian, Dutch, and Russian localizations.
Bug fixes:
♦ The built-in encoders were giving green artifacts when the color used as chroma key was present in the frame.
♦ When opening the recorders while on snapshot mode and pressing the stop button, the app would crash (thanks to Naoki for finding that).
♦ The eye dropper of the color selector window was changing size when the drag started.
♦ It was impossible to capture the screen in manual mode with the DirectX capture method.
♦ The context menu items (undo, redo, and delete) were not being enabled (thanks to László for the help).