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  • Manage multiple accounts at a time, with a familiar tab interface
  • Easily filter transactions by type, group, or date
  • Easily repeat transactions, such as bills that occur every month
  • Transfer money from one account to another
  • Export an account as a CSV file and import a CSV, OFX or QIF file to bulk add transactions to an account


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Building and Installing Manually

Denaro uses vcpkg to manage its dependencies and cmake as its build system.

Ensure both vcpkg and cmake are installed on your system before building.

A C++20 compiler is also required to build Denaro.

Configuring vcpkg

  1. Set the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable to the path of your vcpkg installation's root directory.


  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-windows
  2. Run vcpkg install boost-date-time gtest libnick podofo rapidcsv


  1. Set the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable to x64-linux
  2. Run vcpkg install boost-date-time gtest libnick libxmlpp podofo rapidcsv


  1. First, clone/download the repo.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the repo's root directory.
  3. Create a new build directory and cd into it.


  1. From the build folder, run cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022".
  • To skip building Denaro's test suite, add -DBUILD_TESTING="OFF" to the end of the command.
  1. From the build folder, run cmake --build . --config Release.
  2. After these commands complete, Denaro will be successfully built and its binaries can be found in the folder of the build folder.


  1. From the build folder, run cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.
  • To skip building Denaro's test suite, add -DBUILD_TESTING="OFF" to the end of the command.
  • If you plan to install Denaro via CMAKE (supported on Linux only), add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR to the end of the command, replacing PATH_TO_INSTALL_DIR with the path of where you'd like Denaro to install to.
  1. From the build folder, run cmake --build ..
  2. After these commands complete, Denaro will be successfully built and its binaries can be found in the folder of the build folder.

Installing (LINUX ONLY)

  1. To install Denaro to the system, from the build folder, run cmake --install .


See for details on how can you help the project and how to provide information so we can help you in case of troubles with the app.

Code of Conduct

This project follows the GNOME Code of Conduct.

GNOME Theming

Please do not theme this app

The Linux version of this app is designed for GNOME and optimized for the default Adwaita theme. If you customized your system look, it can negatively affect Denaro. However, in case of a breakage, we provide a way to customize some elements using CSS so you can make it look as you need. The CSS code should be added to ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css. An example (not really pleasant-looking, it's just to show what modifications you can apply):

.denaro-total {
    background-color: @warning_color;
    color: #fff;

.denaro-income {
    color: @purple_2;

.denaro-expense {
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #000, @blue_4);
    color: #fff;

@define-color denaro_calendar_today_bg_color @blue_5;
@define-color denaro_calendar_today_fg_color #ff0000;
@define-color denaro_calendar_marked_day_fg_color @success_color;
@define-color denaro_calendar_selected_day_bg_color @card_bg_color;
@define-color denaro_calendar_selected_day_fg_color #55cc10;
@define-color denaro_calendar_other_month_fg_color @dark_5;