This rails app that creates and charts metadata on blog comments. This is a early stage work in progress and I'm still testing out some basic features. The app is being run at:
I'm using a few posts from the blogs:
For the chart display it uses the chartkick gem and Highcharts. For web-scraping it uses separate python code in the "Post Scanner" folder.
Tracks reader enthusiasm, by calculating the comment rate of posts within the first 10 days, broken down by blog:
Looks at reader engagement vs. popularity, by measuring the ratio of post-lengths to comments
Identifies what content is being engaged with, and by whom, by tracking comment volume for individual posts, and individual users:
gem install rails
bundle install
sudo service postgresql start
psql -c "create user username with password 'password' SUPERUSER"
psql -c "create database myapp_development"
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails server -b $IP -p $PORT