This project aims to develop a desktop application that automates the process of the business. The application also includes a feature to build dashboards based on the information collected during these automated processes.
The automated process is designed to streamline and automate repetitive tasks. The application collects and analyzes data from these processes and then displays this information on a comprehensive, easy-to-understand dashboard.
Disclaimer: This application is designed for theoretical and educational purposes only. Automating direct messages and comments, particularly on social media platforms, can raise ethical and legal issues. It's important to respect the terms of service of any platform you are interacting with.
Python: The core programming language used for this project. Tkinter: A Python library used for creating the GUI of the desktop application. Flask: A Python web framework used for building the backend of the application. SQLAlchemy: A SQL toolkit and ORM system for Python, used for managing the application's data. PyInstaller: A tool used for packaging the application into a standalone executable. Setup and Installation Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Coming soon...
Please modify this README file as per your requirements. The sections "Setup and Installation", "Usage", and "License" should be filled out once you have more information about those topics.