Angular 7 example project to explore the usage of keycloak as an authentication and authorization service.
Have a keycloak instance running and update your configuration on the init function inside keycloak.service.ts
Alternatively setup a new Keycloak server using Docker:
$ docker network create keycloak-network
This step is optional. You could also skip this step and use the embeded H2 DB that comes by default with Keycloak.
docker run --name mysql -d --net keycloak-network -e MYSQL_DATABASE=keycloak -e MYSQL_USER=keycloak -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password mysql
Start a new keycloak container using the created network.
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -d --name keycloak --net keycloak-network jboss/keycloak
Because we called our db mysql
keycloak detects it by default and uses it. If not, it would use its own H2 DB. More info about Keycloak docker image
Go to localhost:8080 to see the keycloak welcome page. Access the admin console with the credentials used to create the keycloak container (admin : admin in the example above).
Add a new realm by hovering over the top left where it says "Master" and click the "Add Realm" button. Create the necessary roles and users. Create a new Client and update the clientId inside keycloak.service.ts
Alternatively, import the realm-export.json
realm to get up and running faster. This will create 2 test roles ("TestRead" and "TestWrite") and will also create a test user (named "test" which has both roles assigned). A Client with clientId my-app
will also be created to match the configuration.
- Create an authguard to only allow access to components to logged-in users and users having the necessary roles.