This app is made for connexis machine test.
To get you started you can simply clone the Test-connexis
repository and install the dependencies:
You need git to clone the Test-connexis
repository. You can get git from [here][git].
We also use a number of Node.js tools to initialize and test Test-connexis
. You must have Node.js
and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from [here][node].
Clone the Test-connexis
repository using git:
git clone
cd Test-connexis
If you just want to start a new project without the Test-connexis
commit history then you can do:
git clone --depth=1 <your-project-name>
We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and AngularJS framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.
- We get the tools we depend upon and the AngularJS code via
, the [Node package manager][npm]. - In order to run the end-to-end tests, you will also need to have the [Java Development Kit (JDK)][jdk] installed on your machine. Check out the section on end-to-end testing for more info.
We have preconfigured npm
to automatically copy the downloaded AngularJS files to app/lib
so we
can simply do:
npm install
Behind the scenes this will also call npm run copy-libs
, which copies the AngularJS files and
other front end dependencies. After that, you should find out that you have two new directories in
your project.
- contains the npm packages for the tools we needapp/lib
- contains the AngularJS framework files and other front end dependencies
Note copying the AngularJS files from node_modules
to app/lib
makes it easier to serve the
files by a web server.
We have preconfigured the project with a simple development web server. The simplest way to start this server is:
npm start
Now browse to the app at [localhost:8000/index.html
Since the AngularJS framework library code and tools are acquired through package managers (e.g. npm) you can use these tools to easily update the dependencies. Simply run the preconfigured script:
npm run update-deps
This will call npm update
and npm run copy-libs
, which in turn will find and install the latest
versions that match the version ranges specified in the package.json
If you want to update a dependency to a version newer than what the specificed range would permit,
you can change the version range in package.json
and then run npm run update-deps
as usual.
The Test-connexis
project comes preconfigured with a local development web server. It is a Node.js
tool called [http-server][http-server]. You can start this web server with npm start
, but you may
choose to install the tool globally:
sudo npm install -g http-server
Then you can start your own development web server to serve static files from any folder by running:
http-server -a localhost -p 8000
Alternatively, you can choose to configure your own web server, such as Apache or Nginx. Just
configure your server to serve the files under the app/