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[UNMAINTAINED] - Use React Styleguidist Instead

This project is unmaintained. React Styleguidist does basically everything I envisioned for this project and has much better support. Go check it out at:

React Component Styleguide

A mashup of react-styleguide-generator-alt and ecology


  • React 0.14.x. Install both react and react-dom.
  • Was developed on node 4. Unsure if older node versions work or not.


npm install react-component-styleguide

Quick Start

NOTE: By default Babel's static keyword is disabled. You can turn them on individually by passing stage 0 as a babelrc or options.babelConfig.

Documenting your React components

The main point of this library is so taht you can just write comments on your react components and not have to actually create a whole separate 'docs' directory. This way you can keep your documentation right next to your actual code and keep it up to date as code changes.

For example, a Button component could be documented like this:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import ClassNames from 'classnames/bind';
import style from './button.css';

 * Creates a reusable, customizable button.
const Button = ({className, disabled, children, ...props}) => {

    const cx = ClassNames.bind(style);
    let classNames = cx({

    return <button {...props} className={classNames}>{children}</button>


Button.styleguide = {
  index: '1.1',
  category: 'Buttons',
  example: `
  <Button>Sample Button</Button>
  <Button disabled>Sample Disabled Button</Button>

Button.propTypes = {
     * Anything that can be in a button. Usually text, but could also be icons/glyphs.
     * @examples 'Save', 'Cancel'
  children: PropTypes.node,
     * define a custom css class name
     * @examples "btn", "btn-active"
  className: PropTypes.string,
     * set button to disabled
     * @examples <Button disabled>
  disabled: PropTypes.bool,
     * use outline styled button
     * @examples <Button outline>

Button.defaultProps = {
  children: 'Default Button',
  className: '',
  disabled: false,

export default Button;

The styleguide static that is attached to Button in that example is only necessary for 2 things.

  1. Navigation a. index: Reference to the element's position in the styleguide. (optional) b. category: Components category name. (optional)
  2. Code Example a. example: Code example (optional). Not specifying this will auto-generate an example that is just <Component></Component>. b. wrappedExample: Wrapped component. Set to true if you need to render you component with wrapped state to really show a good example.

Generating the documentation

Command line tool

A common usage example is below.

# The default output to `styleguide` directory
rcs 'example/**/*.js'

Type rcs -h or rcs --help to get all the available options.

Usage: rcs [input] [options]

  -o, --output     Output directory            ['styleguide']
  -t, --title      Used as a page title        ['Style Guide']
  -r, --root       Set the root path           ['.']
  -f, --files      Inject references to files  ['']
  -c, --config     Use a js/json config file   ['styleguide.json']
  -p, --pushstate  Enable HTML5 pushState      [false]
  -v, --verbose    Verbose output              [false]
  -d, --dev        Start server with webpack hmr [3000]

  rcs 'example/**/*.js' -t 'Great Style Guide' -f 'a.css, a.js' -v

  # Necessary to use a config file if you want to enable react-docgen
  rcs 'example/**/*.js' -c 'styleguide.json' -v

  # Example 2 - config file does module.exports = { ... }
  rcs 'example/**/*.js' -c 'styleguide.js' -v


var gulp = require('gulp')
var RCS = require('react-component-styleguide')

gulp.task('styleguide', function (done) {
  var rcs = RCS('example/**/*.js', {
    output: 'path/to/dir',
    files: ['a.css', 'a.js']

  rcs.generate(function (err) {
    if (err) {



var RCS = require('react-component-styleguide')

grunt.registerTask('rcs', 'React style guide', function () {
  var done = this.async()

  try {
    var conf = grunt.config.get('rcs')

    RCS(conf.input, {
      config: conf.configFile,
      dev: false,
      verbose: true
    }).generate(function (err) {
      if (err) {
          grunt.log.error('Error: ' + err + ' ' + err.stack())
          return done(false)

      grunt.log.ok('react styleguide generation complete')
  } catch (e) {
    grunt.log.error('Error: ' + e + ' ' + e.stack)


RCS(input, [options])

Returns a new RCS instance.


Type: String

Refers to glob syntax or it can be a direct file path.



Type: String
Default: 'styleguide'

Output directory path.


Type: String
Default: 'Style Guide'

Used as a page title and in the page header.


Type: Array Default: input

An array of glob-able file/paths for react-docgen to parse. If not specified, will default the value to input.


Type: String
Default: '.'

Set the root path. For example, if the styleguide is hosted at the options.root should be styleguide.


Type: Array
Default: null

Inject references to files. A usage example is:

  files: [

Check for the existence of the files and only copy the files if it exists.

├─ a.css
├─ a.js
└─ icon.svg

Inject file references into index.html if the files with the extension .css or .js.

<!doctype html>
  <head><link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="files/a.css">
  <body><script src="files/a.js"></script>

Type: String|Object
Default: styleguide.json

The entire range of RCS API options is allowed.

  • An object can be passed instead of a filename that contains the RCS API options.
  • A Javascript file can be passed in that exports an object instead:
// styleguide.js
module.exports = {
  "title": "React Style Guide",
  "files": [
  "babelConfig": {
    "stage": 0
  "webpackConfig": {}

Type: String
Default: false

Enable HTML5 pushState. When this option is enabled, styleguide will use history API.


Type: Object
Default: null

A usage example is below. See the babel docs for the complete list.

  babelConfig: {
    stage: 0

Type: Object Default: {}

Uses deepmerge to merge in a custom webpack configuation to the rcs webpack configuration. Existing arrays (eg plugins) are appended to maintain functionality.


Type: Array<String|RegExp> Default: null

Adds a custom rule(s) to the webpack loader to include additional items to transpile via babel-loader. This is provided as a convenience to using webpackConfig directly.


Generate the files and their dependencies into a styleguide output.


Get the demo running locally:

git clone [email protected]:NogsMPLS/react-component-styleguide.git
cd react-component-styleguide/
npm install
cd example/
npm install
npm start

Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.

Remove the styleguide static for production

It is most likely that you will not have use for the styleguide static when you're using your component in production. To remove the static (and other unnecessary statics) during transpiling, use babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-statics


Thank you to theogravity for react-styleguide-generator-alt, which most of the heavy lifitng of this app is forked from.

Thank you to FormidableLabs for ecology which produces the interactive editor this modules uses.