This repository Consist the implementation of Tafferugly (Which is nothing but a tool that is used for analysing tweets) Features using Python and Flask Framework.
To Run This Project :
Start with creating a virtual Environment conda create -n name_of_the_environment python==3.8
Then Activate the virtual environment conda activate name_of_the_environment
Then install the Dependencies using pip install requirements.txt
Then Run python
- MetricDefaultProfilePicture
- MetricDefaultTwitterProfile
- MetricDuplicateTweet(Metric)
- MetricRecentCreationDate(Metric)
- MetricFriendsFollowersRatio
- MetricUsernameWithRegex
- MetricCreationDateDistribution
- MetricTweetTimeDistribution
- MetricTweetRatio
- MetricGraphTweetNetwork
- MetricGraphCommunityNetwork
- MetricActivityPattern