See for its new location.
A Rust library to parse Wikidot text ("Wikitext") into an abstract syntax tree (AST). This aims to be a replacement for the aging Text_Wiki from Wikidot. This is version aims to have a nearly fully compatible parser for common Wikidot, including malformed constructs. The goal is to utilize a lexer generator, and consume the tokens in a custom parser to handle unusual cases with a lax approach.
In addition to providing the speed and safety benefits of Rust, this also improves maintainability, and allows exposing an AST to consumers for more advanced analysis and transformation.
The lint #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
is set, and therefore this crate has only safe code. However dependencies may have unsafe
Available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. See
This library targets the latest stable Rust. At time of writing, that is 1.49.0
$ cargo build --release
You can use this as a dependency by adding the following to your Cargo.toml
ftml = { git = "", branch = "master" }
The normal package on is, currently, not being regularly updated.
$ cargo test
Add -- --nocapture
to the end if you want to see test output.
If you wish to see the logging output, you can change crate::build_logger()
to use a different logger creation implementation. Or you can modify the test
you're inspecting to use a different logger.
"Foundation Text Markup Language" (ftml) is named for the file extension representing in-universe SCP Foundation formatting as mentioned in Kate McTiriss's Proposal. While the expanded form of the initialism is never explicitly stated, it is clearly implied given the name similarity to HTML.
There are a couple main exported functions, which correspond to each of the main steps in the wikitext process.
First is include
, which substitutes all [[include]]
blocks for their replaced page content. This returns the substituted wikitext as a new string, as long as the names of all the pages that were used. It requires an object that implement Includer
, which handles the process of retrieving pages and generating missing page messages.
Second is preprocess
, which will perform Wikidot's various minor text substitutions.
Third is tokenize
, which takes the input string and returns a wrapper type. This can be .into()
-ed into a Vec<ExtractedToken<'t>>
should you want the token extractions it produced. This is used as the input for parse
Then, borrowing a slice of said tokens, parse
consumes them and produces a SyntaxTree
representing the full structure of the parsed wikitext.
Finally, with the syntax tree you render
it with whatever Render
instance you need at the time. Most likely you want HtmlRender
fn include<'t, I, E>(
log: &slog::Logger,
input: &'t str,
includer: I,
) -> Result<(String, Vec<PageRef<'t>>), E>
I: Includer<'t, Error = E>;
fn preprocess(
log: &slog::Logger,
text: &mut String,
fn tokenize<'t>(
log: &slog::Logger,
text: &'t str,
) -> Tokenization<'t>;
fn parse<'r, 't>(
log: &slog::Logger,
tokenization: &'r Tokenization<'t>,
) -> ParseResult<SyntaxTree<'t>>;
When performing a parse, you will need to first run preprocess()
, then run parse()
on the fully expanded text:
Consider the lifetimes of each of the artifacts being generated, should you want to
store the results in a struct
// Generate slog logger.
// See for crate information.
// You will need a drain to produce an instance, as that's where
// journalled messages are outputted to.
let log = slog::Logger::root(/* drain */);
// Get an `Includer`.
// See trait documentation for what this requires, but
// essentially it is some abstract handle that gets the
// contents of a page to be included.
// Two sample includers you could try are `NullIncluder`
// and `DebugIncluder`.
let includer = MyIncluderImpl::new();
// Get our source text
let mut input = "**some** test <<string?>>";
// Substitute page inclusions
let (mut text, included_pages) = ftml::include(&log, input, includer);
// Perform preprocess substitions
ftml::preprocess(&log, &mut text);
// Generate token from input text
let tokens = ftml::tokenize(&log, &text);
// Parse the token list to produce an AST.
// Note that this produces a `ParseResult<SyntaxTree>`, which records the
// parsing warnings in addition to the final result.
let result = ftml::parse(&log, &tokens);
// Here we extract the tree separately from the warning list.
// Now we have the final AST, as well as all the issues that
// occurred during the parsing process.
let (tree, warnings) = result.into();
If you wish to build the ftml-http
subcrate, use the following:
Note that it was primarily designed for UNIX-like platforms, but with
some minor changes could be modified to work on Windows.
$ cargo build -p ftml-http --release
$ cargo run -p ftml-http
This will produce an HTTP server which a REST client can query to perform ftml operations.
For typical applications the only relevant route would be POST /render/html
The others are provided to expose library internals, such as extracted tokens,
if they are desired.
You can see a full list of REST methods in
Its usage message (produced by adding -- --help
to the above cargo run
is reproduced below:
ftml ftml-http v0.3.1 [8a42fccd]
Wikijump Team
REST server to parse and render Wikidot text.
ftml-http [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information.
--info-only Print information then exit.
-4, --ipv4 Only host the server on IPv4.
-V, --version Prints version information.
-l, --log-file <FILE> The log file to write formatted entries to [default: ftml.log]
-L, --log-level <LEVEL> Log level to be use when running the server [default: debug]
-p, --port <PORT> The port to be used by the server [default: 3865]
An example invocation with with curl
is provided:
$ curl \
-i \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--compressed \
--data '
"text": "<your input here>",
"callback-url": "http://localhost:8000/included-pages",
"missing-include-template": "No page {{ page }} {% if site %}on site {{ site }} {% endif %}exists!"
}' \