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Advent of Code - puzzle solutions

This is my repo with code solutions for the amazing Advent of Code challenge.

All code is written in TypeScript.

Note that you can't run the programs, because the input files are missing.
The Advent of Code owner asked participants to not republish them, as they are copyrighted by him. It is his work, so he decides that and we should comply.

So, if you want to run the puzzles, you need to download the input files yourself, and put then in the input directory, like this:



Clone this repo, then do:

npm install

To make a puzzle template for a new day:

npm run makeDay {year} {day}

To run a puzzle program, do:

npm run day {year} {day}

To run the whole year of puzzles:

npm run year {year}

Reports will be pushed into the report directory.

Puzzle status

year result status speed code comment report
2015 ✅ FINISHED ✅ SOLVED all (but md) run under 1 second cleaned linted, cleaned reports/
2016 ❌ UNFINISHED ❌ UNSOLVED all but 3 MD5s under 1 second cleaned stuck on 22 (hard disk move), linted, cleaned reports/
2017 ❌ UNFINISHED ❌ UNSOLVED all under 1 second cleaned In progress, ongoing on 20, linted, cleaned reports/
2018 ❌ UNFINISHED ❌ UNSOLVED all under 1 second cleaned In progress, ongoing on 14 reports/
2021 ❌ UNFINISHED ❌ UNSOLVED all except 15 under 1 second In progress, ongoing on 19 reports/
2022 ❌ UNFINISHED ✅ SOLVED ? Unoptimized, Needs fix after 16 reports/
2023 ❌ UNFINISHED ❌ UNSOLVED Unoptimized, needs to do last puzzles reports/
2024 ❌ UNFINISHED ✅ SOLVED ? 24 solved manually, code still needs clean and optimized reports/

Puzzle options options:

key type description
config.title string, optional puzzle title
config.summary string, optional puzzle summary, to follow up the story
config.comment string, optional puzzle comments on how I did with it
config.result 'finished', 'unfinished' puzzle result: finished means solved, fast AND clean
config.status 'solved', 'unsolved' puzzle status
config.speed 'unknown', 'slow', 'medium', fast', 'md5' puzzle speed (md5 is brute force that can't go faster)
config.code 'clean', 'dirty' puzzle code: clean means linted and formatted
config.difficulty 1-5 puzzle difficulty: 1 solves in minutes, 4 means at least 1 day, 5 means more than 2 days
config.tags string[]?, puzzle tags (see below)
config.year string, mandatory puzzle year string, mandatory puzzle day
logLevel info, debug, warn, error default: info
mode string? if there is another solution (fastest, easiest, etc) default: normal
ui object UI stuff default: { show: false } boolean show or not the UI
ui.end boolean? show the UI in the end
ui.during boolean? show the UI during iterations
ui.wait number? wait for X milliseconds between iterations
ui.keypress boolean? wait for keypress
test Test?, Test[]? runs tests string tied to the test input file name
test.params any additional params: can be whatever
test.answers any object with part1 and/or part2 answers. It decides if parts should run or be skipped.
prod Prod? runs final
prod.params any additional params
prod.answers any object with part1 and/or part2 answers. It decides if parts should run or be skipped.
params any params

List of tags used:

  • Dijkstra
  • Recursion
  • A*
  • Permutation
  • MD5
  • Combination
  • Breadth-first
  • Depth-first
  • Path-finding
  • Bron–Kerbosch
  • Regex

Coding guidelines v1.0

  • Typescript
  • Aim for less than 1 second to solve both day puzzles
  • Focus on readability. Code should be easy to follow with declarative functions
  • Move away from structures like [number, number, number, string], they are fast but not easy to follow in code.
  • after solution is done, I can remove the partial part codes. Solutions should run both parts in one go.
  • start the code with variable declarations, them gather all auxiliary functions (properly named). On the final part of the file, we should then read the input, and do a simple readable procedure to get puzzle answers.


  • Do not use any type.
  • avoid global.structureClone, it is very slow.
  • Reuse types such as Location, Dimension, World, and auxiliary functions such as getManhattanDistance. They are there to help unclutter code.
  • use [] instead of Array.
  • If possible, avoid Record and use Map. Set are also useful sometimes instead of Array. ** for increments, try map.set("a", (map.get("a") ?? 0) + 1) ** prefer reduce for sums
  • Prefer Location to Point. Location implies coordinates, Point is something that can have location or not.
  • Prefer for...of and than forEach: ** for... of loops over the values ** loops over the keys. ** We can use break and continue (forEach we can't) ** we do not need to have the array ready for iteration (permutations and stuff)

Coding names

  • Be as declarative as possible, use function names to describe the steps Some functions names: solveFor, deepFirst, breadthFirst, doDijkstra

Coding style

  • try to separate part1 and part2, while avoiding unnecessary array walks for each part.


  • Avoid lodash, use native JS
  • libraries allowed: ** spark-mp5 (md5 generation)


  • Prefer match with /g than matchAll, as in

    "abcabfgabsefd".match(/ab/) => ['ab', index: 0, input: 'abcabfgabsefd', groups: undefined]
    "abcabfgabsefd".match(/ab/g) => ['ab', 'ab', 'ab']
    "123123123".match(/ab/) => null
  • find duplicate characters: line.match(/(.)\1/g)

Path finding

  • use pop() instead of splice(-1)[0]
  • terminology: ** step: a node with extra info (location, distance/score, etc) ** path: list of steps. ** head: latest step from a path ** queue instead of opened ** visited


  • do a nicer output with emojis and box drawing chars

Algorithms Overview

Path finding algorithms

Table summary:

Name weighted graph visits all paths? guarantees shortest? heuristics comments
DFS no no no no only if you want to find any path
BFS no yes yes no not for weighted graphs
Dijkstra yes yes yes no can be slow on big graphs
A* yes yes yes yes can be faster than Dijkstra if heuristic is good
Greedy - no no yes not good as shortest is not guaranteed
Bellman-Ford yes, negatives yes yes no Dijkstra for weights with negative values
UCS yes yes yes no Dijkstra-ish


Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  • Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path from a start node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.
  • It explores all possible paths systematically, always expanding the least-cost node first, and guarantees the shortest path.
  • It does not use heuristics, so it works on any graph but can be slow for large graphs.

A* Algorithm

  • A* improves upon Dijkstra’s algorithm by using a heuristic function to estimate the distance to the goal.
  • It combines this estimate with the actual cost to the current node, allowing it to focus on promising paths.
  • This makes A* faster than Dijkstra’s for many problems, but its performance depends on the quality of the heuristic.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • BFS explores all nodes at the current depth before moving to the next level.
  • It is unweighted and guarantees the shortest path in graphs where all edges have the same weight.
  • It is NOT suitable for weighted graphs.

Depth-First Search (DFS)

  • DFS explores as far as possible along each path before backtracking.
  • It does not guarantee the shortest path and is not optimal for pathfinding but can be useful for exploring or checking graph connectivity.

Greedy Best-First Search

  • Greedy Best-First Search uses only the heuristic to choose which node to expand next.
  • It focuses on the direction of the goal but does not guarantee the shortest path and can get stuck in suboptimal routes.

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

  • Bellman-Ford finds the shortest path from a start node to all other nodes, even with negative edge weights.
  • It is slower than Dijkstra’s but works in situations where Dijkstra’s cannot, such as graphs with negative weights.

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

  • Floyd-Warshall calculates shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in a graph.
  • It is suitable for small, dense graphs but is computationally expensive and not used for single-source pathfinding.

Uniform-Cost Search (UCS)

  • UCS is similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm but focuses only on finding the shortest path to a specific goal node.
  • It expands the least-cost node first and guarantees the shortest path, making it optimal but slower than A* for large graphs.


X or Y? Rows and Columns?

  • Row goes vertical (↓), col goes horizontal (→)
  • X goes horizontal (→), Y goes vertical (↓) like the HTML pages
row 0, col 0, x 0, y 0 row 0, col 1, x 1, y 0 row 0, col 2, x 2, y 0 row 0, col 3, x 3, y 0
row 1, col 0, x 0, y 1 row 1, col 1, x 1, y 1 row 1, col 2, x 2, y 1 row 1, col 3, x 3, y 1
row 2, col 0, x 0, y 2 row 2, col 1, x 1, y 2 row 2, col 2, x 2, y 2 row 2, col 3, x 3, y 2
row 3, col 0, x 0, y 3 row 3, col 1, x 1, y 3 row 3, col 2, x 2, y 3 row 3, col 3, x 3, y 3

If it is confusing, use PointObj, where {row: number, col: number}

unless it is specified otherwise in the instructions. Note that when printing worlds, world matrix are seen as rows and columns, so make sure locations use same system. If they use x/y, they may refer to col/row instead of row/col


For box drawing (

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F


  • make output on report like a book, optional solve
  • title and summary to


No description, website, or topics provided.






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