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Installation from Binary

alshabib edited this page Mar 1, 2013 · 9 revisions

We release binary packages for all Linux platforms that can run Java applications, and support both Debian/Ubuntu (.deb) platforms, as well as RHEL6/CentOS6 (.rpm).

Debian installation

  1. Obtain the repository public key: $ wget

  2. Install the repository public key: $ sudo apt-key add GPG-KEY-ONLAB

  3. Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list

    • Release - the latest and greatest: deb stable/
    • Staging - what's coming next: deb staging/
    • Nightly - the bleeding edge: deb unstable/
  4. Update your apt database: $ sudo apt-get update

  5. Install FlowVisor: $ sudo apt-get install flowvisor (note that this will create a flowvisor user and group on your system)

  6. If you prefer to install an older version instead of the most recent one:

    • Find out which versions are available: $ apt-cache show flowvisor
    • Install it: $ sudo apt-get install flowvisor=version (be sure to specify the release number, e.g., use 0.8.17-1 instead of 0.8.17)

RHEL6/CentOS6 installation

  1. Obtain the repository public key: $ wget

  2. Install the repository public key: $ sudo rpm --import GPG-KEY-ONLAB

  3. Create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/onlab.repo with the following contents

    • Release - the latest and greatest
      • [onlab]
        name=ON.Lab Software Releases
    • Staging - what's coming next
      • [onlab]
        name=ON.Lab Software Releases
    • Nightly - the bleeding edge
      • [onlab]
        name=ON.Lab Software Releases
  4. Update your yum database: $ sudo yum update

  5. Install FlowVisor: $ sudo yum install flowvisor (note that this will create a flowvisor user and group on your system)

  6. If you prefer to install an older version instead of the most recent one:

    • Find out which versions are available: $ yum list --showduplicates flowvisor
    • Install it: $ sudo yum install flowvisor-version

Initializing and running FlowVisor

  1. Deploy the database and generate a configuration file: $ sudo -u flowvisor fvconfig generate /etc/flowvisor/config.json

  2. Run FlowVisor

    $ sudo -u flowvisor flowvisor (make sure you run it as the flowvisor user)


    $ sudo /etc/init.d/flowvisor start (runs FlowVisor as user flowvisor automatically)

Upgrading FlowVisor

When upgrading, FlowVisor may update the structure of its internal database. Therefore it is important to save the configuration file before an upgrade, by running:

fvctl dumpConfig config.json


All configuration changes are done in the db in place during the execution. If you would like to dump the contents of the db, run:

$ fvctl dumpConfig config.json