#AndroidDevChallenge Tell us what your idea is: Currently, Traffic police reports the people who are not wearing helmets manually. https://punemirror.indiatimes.com/pune/civic/police-to-now-book-violators-not-wearing-helmets-through-the-satark-punekar-app/articleshow/70123703.cms
We can make the detection and reporting in realtime using Firebase ML Kit & TensorFlow Lite.
Tell us how you plan on bringing it to life: I would love to receive help from Google from the Business as well as technology perspective. Reporting the vehicle numbers of the people who are not wearing helmet in realtime using TensorFlow Lite & Firebase ML Kit.
Tell us about you: I'm Shreyash Phakade Pawar with 2 years of experience as a fullstack engineer, tinkerer and IOT hobbyist and I've worked on Raspberry pi SOC. I have also worked with Android in my free time. I love trekking and reading non-fiction books. I'm the person who loves to know the process in which things work.