pyRedditWatcher is an IRC bot that checks specified subreddits for new posts and announces them in the IRC channels.
Install the reqired dependencies and clone the git repo:
$ pip install unidecode
$ sudo apt-get install python2.7
$ git clone
$ python
!add [subreddit] (color)
- add a subreddit to be checkedsubreddit
- the subreddit name after /r/(optional) color
- the color for the post announcement. You can get a list of colors using!listcolors
- Example 1:
!add technology
- Example 2:
!add technology red
!del [subreddit]
- name of subreddit already being checked
!color [subreddit] [color]
- the name of the subreddit already being checkedcolor
- new color for the post announcement. If no color is specified, a random color is chosen
- list the subreddits that are currently being checked!listcolors
- list available colors
Copy the example configuration for the bot to read:
$ cp settings.conf.example settings.conf
####Config Options####
- IRC server addressport
- IRC server portssl
- Whether the bot should connect with SSL.- True or False - CASE SENSITIVE
- Whether the bot is connecting to a ZNC/Bouncer- True or False - CASE SENSITIVE
- Nickname for the bot to use on IRCusername
- Username for the bot to use on IRCrealName
- Real Name for the bot to use on IRCidentPass
- NickServ identify passwordzncPass
- Password for the bot to use when authenticating with the ZNC/Bouncerchannels
- IRC channels for the bot to join automatically separated by ", "