SVA reduces time spent on boilerplate and project setup.
It aims to be the fastest way to build interactive typesafe Svelte applications.
Get started by running npm create sva@latest
The "SVA Stack" is a web development stack focused on simplicity, consistency, and full-stack typesafety. It combines a collection of tools for interactive full-stack applications, and provides you with a CLI to scaffold your own project.
Package | Usecase | Options |
Svelte V5 | Framework | 🚫 Required |
SvelteKit | Meta-Framework | 🚫 Required |
Typescript | Type-Safety | 🚫 Required |
Prettier | Code Formatter | 🚧 Removable |
ESLint | Code Linter | 🚧 Removable |
Tailwind CSS | Styling | 💠 Recommended |
Lucia | Auth | 💠 Recommended |
Drizzle | Database Adapter | 💠 Recommended |
Husky | Git Hooks | 💠 Optional |
create-sva is heavily inspired by the t3stack, both in the methodology, and the CLI. The first version of this project used or learnt from many aspects of the t3 codebase, and we owe a lot to it's contributors.
is an interactive CLI designed to quickly scaffold a Svelte application with sensible defaults tailored for interactive applications. Unlike the standard Svelte CLI (which is fantastic for basic websites) create-sva focuses on getting setup with more complex functionality like authentication and databases.
The goal of create-sva
is to streamline the setup process, providing you with a modular structure that fits your specific needs. Each piece is optional, and the project is generated based on your choices during setup.
SVA aims to be as leightweight as possible while scaffolding projects that get you through boilerplate code as fast as possible. This means we may omit beloved packages like superforms as it does not require project configuration.
CLI Prompt | Type | Options | Default |
Project Name | Text | Text Input | new-svelte-app |
Styling Solution | Select | Post CSS / Tailwind | Tailwind |
Auth Solution | Select | None / Lucia | Lucia |
SvelteKit Adapter | Select | Auto / Node / Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare | Auto |
Dev Tools | Multi-Select | Husky / CS Code Config | [ ] |
This is an opinionated project inspired by the axioms of t3 stack, and the methodologies of Rich Harris.
It's easy to fall into the trap of "adding everything" - we explicitly don't want to do that.
Everything added to create-sva
should both address the mission, and benefit from pre-configuration. This means we won't add beloved packages like superforms as it does not require much setup... but we will add things like Lucia and integrate it into Drizzle for you.
We believe in making the most of native web features to reduce unnecessary complexity and improve performance. Modern web standards offer powerful capabilities that can simplify development and enhance the user experience. By using native browser APIs and built-in features, we minimize dependencies and overhead, resulting in faster, more efficient applications. This means we look forward to deleting code, and removing dependencies in favour of native capabilities.
The stated goal of create-sva
is to provide the quickest way to start a new full-stack, typesafe web application. We take typesafety seriously in these parts as it improves our productivity and helps us ship fewer bugs. Any decision that compromises the typesafe nature of create-sva
is a decision that should be made in a different project.
To scaffold an app using create-sva
, run any of the following four commands and answer the command prompt questions:
npm create sva@latest
yarn create sva
pnpm create sva@latest
bun create sva@latest
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