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OllisGit edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 5 revisions

Install Database

You can install a database where ever you like. Windows or Linux it doesn't matter.

Also the installation type is up to you. Direct or via Docker-Container.

Here are some usefull hint how to do it





Via Docker

PreCondition: Docker Daemon is installed on your host system.

In the root folder of the Git-Repository, there is file called docker-compose.yml. This file includes two services: postgres and mysql.


Install database driver in OctoPrint

Sometimes the Plugin could not be installed successfully, because the installation of the database driver did not work.

Executing the Button "Test connection" in the plugin settings you can see something like this:

Postgres driver not installed!


MySQL driver not installed!

Then you need to install the python database driver manually.

If you use octopi, then navigate to this folder:

Execute one of the following commands and restart your OctoPrint-Server:


pip install psycopg2-binary


pip install pymysql

Upgrade Database Scheme

Ugrading the database scheme, so that it match with the plugin version, you have two options:

  • Create the whole database
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