User data management system for Hydroponics Network.
Users submit crop related data for their hydroponic crops such as temperature, electric conductivity, ph, and raw images of their crops via Whatsapp and receive AI based feedback for improving their crop's health.
Data representation is also available via user and admin dashboards.
** Environment variables must be set prior to deployment **
To install this project run
git clone
cd hydroponics-frontend
npm install
npm run build
Requires backend deployment - see here:
npm run dev
The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000 (by default)
npm run build
npm run start
The frontend will be avilable http://localhost:3001 (by defaault)
Client: NextJS, React, Styled Components
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB, Twilio
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file