✨ New Features
- Add support for creating BTC Taproot accounts and signing transactions
- Add auto-complete prompts when entering recovery phrases, no need to enter the complete word, importing recovery phrase becomes super smooth
- Allow website requests to add an RPC Node
- Hidden Wallet: Add support for adding multiple hidden wallets, remember your hidden wallets on the list. Don’t forget your passphrase!
- Add zkSync Era nework
- Add Scroll Testnet
- Add support for searching network with chain ID and symbol
- Add support for SPACE ID domains
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Revoke.gg (Contract Approvals) - Fixed the issue that an option in settings menu might not be shown when data was loading in
- Fixed the issue that prompted “Internal Error“ when importing ALGO private keys
- Fixed the issue that could not cross-chain swap ADA
- Fixed the issue that Account view might stuck after swtiching to ADA network when there were no ADA accounts. (iOS)
- Fixed the issue that showing incorrect staking data
💎 Improvements
- Seperated recovery phrase and private key import in onboarding
- Added pop-up for critical updates in case of emergency
- Network and account information will pass and fill into Swap UI when tapping Swap button in Account view
- Risk token alert: Choose a more neutral color to make tokens that require attention but have no identified risk less scary.
- When transferring 1155 type NFTs and the current account has more than 1 of that NFT, only 1 will be transferred when the transfer is made
- Added a switch to control whether to “swap to another account”
- Improved UI: NFT history and details, Token Settings, Derivation Path modal, restoring accounts progress
✨ 新功能
- 新增 BTC Taproot 账号派生、签名支持
- 输入助记词时新增自动补全提示,无需输入完整单词,导入钱包流程变得超级畅快
- 允许网站请求添加 RPC 节点
- 隐藏钱包:新增支持增加多个隐藏钱包,记住您的隐藏钱包于列表中 请记住您的Passphrase密语!
- 新增 zkSync Era 网络
- 新增 Scroll 测试网
- 新增支持使用 Chain ID 或 主币代码 搜索
- 新增支持 SPACE ID 域名
🐞 问题修复
- Revoke.gg (合约授权) - 修复了在加载中时设置选项中其中一项不显示的问题
- 修复了当导入 ALGO 私钥时提示「内部错误」的问题
- 修复了不能跨链兑换 ADA 的问题
- 修复了当没有ADA账户又切换到ADA网络时,「账户」视图可能卡住的问题 (iOS)
- 修复了显示不正确的质押数据问题
💎 优化
- 新手引导 - 分开了助记词和私钥的导入
- 新增关键更新弹窗以备紧急情况使用
- 当点击「账户」视图的「闪兑」,网络和账户信息将会传入「闪兑」界面中
- 风险代币警告:选择了更中性的颜色,让需要注意但是未被识别为风险代币的提示没有那么可怕
- 当转账1155类型NFT,而当前账户中该NFT数量大于1的时候,转账时只会转出 1 个
- 新增了一个开关控制是否「闪兑到另外一个账户」
- 改进了 UI:NFT 历史记录和详情、代币设置、派生路径弹窗、账户恢复中进度
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.1.0