Single executable version of TiddlyWiki using Bob.
It is packaged as a single executable so you don't need to install anything to use the node version of tiddlywiki with multi-user support and the other features of Bob.
- Tiddlywiki github repo
- Bob github repo
Download the executable for your system and copy it to where you want your wiki to be. And then run it. (On osx or linux you may have to make it executable)
The executables are listed here:
When you run the executable it will create a wiki folder for you, start the wiki server and then open up the wiki in your default browser.
After that it is the same as a normal tiddlywiki running Bob.
The default tiddler has some additional instructions.
- Clone the repo
- Initialise/clone the sub-modules
- Install npm modules.
- Install the node pkg module
- Run
the repo for any plugins to be packaed with the executables. By default just the Bob pluginplugins/OokTech/Bob
- the submodule for the Bob pluginplugins/OokTech/TWederBob
- the submodule for the TWederBob plugin
just holds the index wiki edition used as the root wiki. By default just the edition for the IndexWikithemes/
hold any themes to be packaged with the executables. By default emptyTiddlyWiki5/
the repo for TiddlyWiki as a
the script that builds the executables
Any plugins, themes or editions added to the appropriate folders listed above will be available to all wikis served. You still need to list the plugins in the file as usual, but you don't have to worry about setting environment variables or anything like that if they are in the executable.
git clone --branch <<TagName>> <<RepoURI>> --depth 1
git clone --branch v5.1.17 --depth 1