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AST refactor
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mathis committed Jan 21, 2022
1 parent 1e5234b commit f775b57
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Showing 9 changed files with 121 additions and 103 deletions.
28 changes: 10 additions & 18 deletions lib/
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
exception Syntax_error of string

type numBinOp =
| Eq | Neq
| Lt | Le | Gt | Ge
Expand All @@ -10,13 +12,6 @@ type param = {
[@@deriving show]

type ctorParam = {
isMember: bool;
name: string;
className: string;
[@@deriving show]

type instr =
| Block of param list * instr list
| Assign of expr * expr
Expand All @@ -39,14 +34,6 @@ and expr =
| StaticCast of string * expr
[@@deriving show]

type ctorDecl = {
name: string;
params: ctorParam list;
superCall: (string * expr list) option;
body: instr;
[@@deriving show]

type methodDecl = {
name: string;
override: bool;
Expand All @@ -56,11 +43,16 @@ type methodDecl = {
[@@deriving show]

type superCall = {
name: string;
args: expr list
[@@deriving show]

type classDecl = {
name: string;
ctorParams: ctorParam list;
superclass: string option;
ctor: ctorDecl;
super: superCall option;
ctor: methodDecl;
staticMethods: methodDecl list;
instMethods: methodDecl list;
staticAttrs: param list;
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17 changes: 6 additions & 11 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ let get_class decls name =
let rec recursively decls decl f =
f decl
|> Optmanip.or_else (fun () ->
match decl.superclass with
match decl.super with
| None -> None
| Some(super) ->
(get_class_opt decls super)
(get_class_opt decls
|> Optmanip.and_then (fun superDecl ->
recursively decls superDecl f
Expand All @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ let rec recursively decls decl f =
@raise Not_found if an ancestor has no declaration. *)

let rec ancestors decls decl =
match decl.superclass with
match decl.super with
| None -> []
| Some(super) ->
let superDecl = (get_class decls super) in
let superDecl = (get_class decls in
superDecl :: (ancestors decls superDecl)

(** Get the method declaration in a class with a given name. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,12 +81,7 @@ let get_static_method name decl =
let get_inst_attr_opt attrName decl =
let pred (attr: param) =
if = attrName then Some(attr.className) else None
in let pred2 (attr: ctorParam) =
if = attrName then Some(attr.className) else None
in List.find_map pred decl.instAttrs
|> Optmanip.or_else (fun () ->
List.find_map pred2 decl.ctorParams

(** Find (recursively through ancestors) the type of an attribute in a class declaration. *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,8 +203,8 @@ let is_base decls derived base =

let make_class_env decl =
let env = ("this", :: []
in let env = match decl.superclass with
| Some(super) -> ("super", super) :: env
in let env = match decl.super with
| Some(super) -> ("super", :: env
| None -> env
in env

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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ let make_method_addrs params =
let rec all_attrs decls decl =
let attrs = (fun ({ name; _ }: param) -> name) decl.instAttrs
in match decl.superclass with
in match decl.super with
| None -> attrs
| Some(super) ->
let super = get_class decls super
let super = get_class decls
in all_attrs decls super @ attrs

(** Get the offset of an instance attribute in a class. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,11 +274,10 @@ let compile chan ast =
Expects 'this' on stack and leave 'this' after execution. *)

in let code_super_call addrs env decl =
let args = snd (decl.ctor.superCall |> Option.get)
in let super = decl.superclass |> Option.get
let { args; name } = Option.get decl.super
in List.iter (code_expr addrs env) args; (* push args *)
_PUSHL (-1 - List.length args); (* push this *)
_PUSHA (ctor_lbl super);
_PUSHA (ctor_lbl name);
_CALL ();
_POPN ((List.length args) + 1) (* pop args & this *)

Expand All @@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ let compile chan ast =
in let vti = Util.index_of decl decls

in let rec call_super_ctor decl =
match decl.superclass with
match decl.super with
| Some(_) -> code_super_call addrs [] decl
| None -> ()

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50 changes: 21 additions & 29 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ exception Contextual_error of string
let err str = raise (Contextual_error str)
(* let err str = print_endline @@ "[CONTEXTUAL ERROR]: " ^ str; () *)

(** Check that methods, instance attributes and static attributes unique in a class declaration.
(** Check that methods, instance attributes and static attributes are unique in a class declaration.
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)

let check_no_dup decl =
Expand All @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ let check_no_dup decl =

let check_inheritance decls =
let decls_with_super = decls |> List.filter_map (fun d ->
d.superclass |> (fun super -> (, super))
d.super |> (fun super -> (, super))
in decls_with_super |> List.iter (fun (name, super) ->
match get_class_opt decls super with
| None -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends unknown class '%s'" name super)
in decls_with_super |> List.iter (fun (name, (super: superCall)) ->
match get_class_opt decls with
| None -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends unknown class '%s'" name
| _ -> ()

Expand All @@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ let check_inheritance decls =
let check_cycles decls =
(* complexity unoptimized (add memoization?) *)
let rec r_check ancestors decl =
match decl.superclass with
match decl.super with
| Some(super) ->
let superDecl = get_class_opt decls super |> Option.get in
let superDecl = get_class_opt decls |> Option.get in
if List.exists ((=) super) ancestors
then err (Printf.sprintf "cycle in heritance: class '%s' extends ancestor class '%s'" super)
then err (Printf.sprintf "cycle in heritance: class '%s' extends ancestor class '%s'"
else r_check (super::ancestors) superDecl
| None -> ()
in List.iter (r_check []) decls
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ let check_overrides decls decl =
then err (Printf.sprintf "method '%s' of base class '%s' is marked override"
else ()

in match decl.superclass with
in match decl.super with
| Some(super) ->
let superDecl = get_class decls super
let superDecl = get_class decls
in List.iter (check_super_method superDecl) decl.instMethods
| None -> List.iter check_base_method decl.instMethods

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ let check_no_reserved_var vars =
@raise Contextual_error if a check fails. *)

let check_no_reserved_class decls =
let reserved = ["String"; "Integer"; "_Void"]
let reserved = ["String"; "Integer"]

in let check decl =
if List.exists (fun r -> = r || decl.superclass = Some(r)) reserved
then err (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved class in class '%s'"
if List.exists ((=) reserved
then err (Printf.sprintf "use of reserved class in class '%s'"

in List.iter check decls

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ and check_expr_new decls env (className, args) =
if not (is_base decls arg param)
then err (Printf.sprintf "invalid call argument: type '%s' is incompatible with '%s'" arg param)

in if List.length args <> List.length decl.ctorParams
in if List.length args <> List.length decl.ctor.params
then err (Printf.sprintf "invalid number of arguments in instantiation of '%s'" className);

List.iter2 (fun arg (param: ctorParam) ->
List.iter2 (fun arg (param: param) ->
check_arg arg param.className
) args decl.ctorParams
) args decl.ctor.params

and check_expr_cast decls env (className, e) =
check_expr decls env e;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,7 +362,6 @@ and check_expr decls env expr =

(** Check constructor declaration validity. Performs following checks:
* Constructor name and class name are equal
* Constructor parameters and class parameters are equal
* Constructor parameters have no reserved keywords
* Constructor calls the right super constructor if class is derived
* Constructor does not call any super constructor if class is base
Expand All @@ -383,25 +382,18 @@ let check_ctor decls decl =
if <>
then err (Printf.sprintf "constructor name '%s' does dot correspond with class name '%s'"
else ();

(match decl.superclass, ctor.superCall with
| Some(n1), Some(n2, _) when n1 <> n2 -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n1 n2)
| Some(n1), None -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' extends superclass '%s' but constructor does not call the super constructor" n1)
| None, Some(n2, _) -> err (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' is a base class but constructor calls super constructor of '%s'" n2)
| _ -> ());

(match ctor.superCall with
| Some(super, args) ->
let superDecl = get_class decls super
in let superParams = ctor_params_to_method_params superDecl.ctorParams
(match decl.super with
| Some{ name; args } ->
let superDecl = get_class decls name
in let args = args |> (fun e ->
check_expr decls env e;
get_expr_type decls env e
in check_call_args decls args superParams
in check_call_args decls args superDecl.ctor.params
| None -> ());

if ctor.params <> decl.ctorParams
if ctor.params <> decl.ctor.params
then err (Printf.sprintf "constructor params of class '%s' do not correspond with the constructor definition"
else ();

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50 changes: 37 additions & 13 deletions lib/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
open Ast

exception Syntax_error of string
type ctorParam = { param: Ast.param; isMember: bool }
type ctorDecl = { meth: Ast.methodDecl; super: superCall option; cparams: ctorParam list }

type classBodyElt =
| StaticMethod of Ast.methodDecl
| InstMethod of Ast.methodDecl
| Ctor of Ast.ctorDecl
| Ctor of ctorDecl
| StaticAttrib of Ast.param list
| InstAttrib of Ast.param list

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,11 +72,23 @@ prog:
CLASS name = CLASSNAME ctorParams = ctorParamList superclass = extends IS LCURLY l = list(classBodyElement) RCURLY {
let (lsm, lim, lc, lsa, lia) = split_body_elts l
in if List.length lc <> 1
then raise (Syntax_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' defines %d constructor(s), expected 1" name (List.length lc)))
let ctor = List.hd lc
in { name; ctorParams; superclass; staticMethods=lsm; instMethods=lim; ctor; staticAttrs=lsa; instAttrs=lia }

in let ctor =
if List.length lc <> 1
then raise (Syntax_error (Printf.sprintf "class '%s' defines %d constructor(s), expected 1" name (List.length lc)))
else List.hd lc

in let lia = lia @ (ctor.cparams |> List.filter_map (fun p -> if p.isMember then Some(p.param) else None))

in if ctorParams <> ctor.cparams
then raise (Syntax_error (Printf.sprintf "different parameters between class '%s' header and constructor definition" name));

(match ctor.super, superclass with
| None, None -> ()
| Some{ name=s1; args=_ }, Some(s2) when s1 = s2 -> ()
| _ -> raise (Syntax_error (Printf.sprintf "different super class between class '%s' header and constructor definition" name)));

{ name; super=ctor.super; staticMethods=lsm; instMethods=lim; ctor=ctor.meth; staticAttrs=lsa; instAttrs=lia }

Expand All @@ -98,14 +111,25 @@ methodDecl:

| DEF name = CLASSNAME params = ctorParamList IS body = instrBlock {
Ctor({ name; params; superCall=None; body; })
| DEF name = CLASSNAME cparams = ctorParamList IS b = instrBlock {
let instAttrs = cparams |> List.filter_map (fun p -> if p.isMember then Some(p.param) else None)
in let params = cparams |> (fun p -> p.param)
in let prelude = instAttrs |> (fun (p: param) -> Assign(Attr(Id("this"),, Id(
in let body = match b with
| Block(lp, li) -> Block(lp, prelude @ li)
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"
in Ctor({ super=None; meth={ name; params; body; override=false; retType=None }; cparams })
| DEF name = CLASSNAME params = ctorParamList COLON super = CLASSNAME lsuper = superList IS b = instrBlock {
Ctor({ name; params; superCall=Some(super, lsuper); body=b; })
| DEF name = CLASSNAME cparams = ctorParamList COLON super = CLASSNAME lsuper = superList IS b = instrBlock {
let instAttrs = cparams |> List.filter_map (fun p -> if p.isMember then Some(p.param) else None)
in let params = cparams |> (fun p -> p.param)
in let prelude = instAttrs |> (fun (p: param) -> Assign(Attr(Id("this"),, Id(
in let body = match b with
| Block(lp, li) -> Block(lp, prelude @ li)
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"
in Ctor({ super=Some{name=super; args=lsuper}; meth={ name; params; body; override=false; retType=None }; cparams })

| VAR static = boption(STATIC) lname = separated_list(COMMA, ID) COLON className = CLASSNAME {
let p = (fun name -> { name; className }) lname in
Expand All @@ -123,7 +147,7 @@ ctorParamList:

isMember = boption(VAR) names = separated_nonempty_list(COMMA, ID) COLON className = CLASSNAME
{ (fun name -> { isMember; name; className }) names }
{ (fun name -> { isMember; param={ name; className } }) names }

| EXTENDS id = CLASSNAME { Some(id) }
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Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ let insert vt methName decl =
(** Build a VTable from a class declaration *)

let rec make decls decl =
match decl.superclass with
match decl.super with
| Some(super) ->
let super = get_class decls super
in let vt = make decls super
let superDecl = get_class decls
in let vt = make decls superDecl
in decl.instMethods
|> List.fold_left (fun vt (m: methodDecl) ->
insert vt decl
Expand Down

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