Application copies resources to dataverse from possible sources creating datasets and datafiles
All requirements all stored in requirements.txt file.
To run in container environment you need to install docker and docker-compose
- PostgreSQL database ➤
- Orthanc DICOM server ➤
- Grafana ➤
- Geonode ➤
- secret key for django framework. (Default: SECRET_KEY_REPLACE)DB_HOST
- host address for database. (Default: harvester_db)DB_USER
- username for database. (Default: harvester_user)DB_PASSWORD
- password for database user. (Default: harvester_password)CELERY_BROKER_URL
- celery broker url. (Default: redis://harvester_redis:6379/0)DATAVERSE_URL
- dataverse url. (Default:
- dataverse url slug for layers. (Default: layers)MAPS_PARENT_DATAVERSE
- dataverse url slug for maps. (Default: maps)DOCUMENTS_PARENT_DATAVERSE
- dataverse url slug for documents. (Default: documents)DASHBOARDS_PARENT_DATAVERSE
- dataverse url slug for dashboards. (Default: dashboards)STUDIES_PARENT_DATAVERSE
- dataverse url slug for studies. (Default: studies)GEONODE_URL
- geonode url for resourcesGEONODE_API_KEY
- geonode api key for authenticated resourcesGRAFANA_URL
- grafana url for resourcesGRAFANA_API_KEY
- grafana api key for authenticated resourcesORTHANC_URL
- orthanc url for resourcesORTHANC_API_KEY
- orthanc api key for authenticated resources
- Run project (GNU/Linux, macOS)::
URL="localhost" docker-compose pull
URL="localhost" docker-compose build
URL="localhost" docker-compose up -d
- Run project (Windows)
$env:URL="localhost"; docker-compose pull
$env:URL="localhost"; docker-compose build
$env:URL="localhost"; docker-compose up -d
You need to install special dependencies with:
pip install factory-boy pytest pytest-cov pytest-pythonpath pytest-django mock
To run tests write:
pytest -v
The project was performed by Whiteaster sp.z o.o., with register office in Chorzów, Poland - and provided under the GNU GPL v.3 license to the Contracting Entity - Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Science in Białowieża, Poland.We are proud to release this project under an Open Source license. If you want to share your comments, impressions or simply contact us, please write to the following e-mail address: [email protected]