The application requires several secret configuration values that should be stored in a values-secret.yaml file. This file is excluded from version control (via .gitignore). Create a values-secret.yaml file in the charts/chart/ directory with the following structure:
- name: ai-doctor-bot
replicaCount: 1
# Database configuration
DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://username:password@hostname:5432/database_name"
# Reddit API credentials
REDDIT_USERNAME: "your_reddit_username"
REDDIT_PASSWORD: "your_reddit_password"
REDDIT_USER_AGENT: "your_user_agent" # e.g., "AI Doctor Bot v1.0 by /u/your_username"
REDDIT_CLIENT_ID: "your_reddit_client_id"
REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET: "your_reddit_client_secret"
REDDIT_SUBREDDIT: "subreddit_name" # e.g., "askdocs" (without the r/)
# Application configuration
SLEEP_DURATION: "60" # Time in seconds to wait between processing posts
ASSISTANT_MODE_ID: "your_assistant_mode_id" # ID from the database for the assistant mode to use
# LangChain configuration (if using LangSmith)
LANGCHAIN_API_KEY: "your_langchain_api_key" # Optional
LANGCHAIN_PROJECT: "ai-doctor-bot" # Optional
LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2: "true" # Optional
Replace the placeholder values with your actual configuration. The application uses these environment variables to connect to the PostgreSQL database, authenticate with Reddit's API, and configure the behavior of the AI doctor bot.
$ helm upgrade --install ai-doctor-bot ./chart -f ./chart/values.yaml -f ./chart/values-secret.yaml
helm uninstall ai-doctor-bot