Successfully built on clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 (10 May 2018)
- sfml 2.3
- boost 1.58
- make
- c++11 compiler (g++ or clang)
NOTE: building takes a lot of memory!
First get sfml and boost: sudo apt install libsfml-dev libboost-all-dev
If your computer doesn't have a large amount of RAM, follow these steps to use clang instead of g++:
sudo apt install clang
export CXX=clang++
Now, build the engine using the makefile.
To build normally: make -j
To build debug mode: make debug -j
To build release mode: make release -j
To build WITHOUT rendering enabled: make [debug|release] -j CXXFLAGS=-DDISABLE_RENDER
You'll need something to test the engine on. Convert some old TagPro data to new OSCTF data by running these two commands:
Next, install nvm. As of May 10 2018, the latest version is 0.33.11.
You'll need curl, so if you don't have it already, apt install curl
Then run curl -o- | bash
(You can visit for more detailed instructions and documentation on nvm.)
After installing nvm, close and reopen your terminal to gain access to the node commands.
cd tests
nvm install node
npm install
Read through config.ini and edit as needed before starting the server. You probably won't need to edit anything if you just want to run the server normally (8 games of 8 players with normal physics).
./tagos serve
In the tagos console after gamerooms are created:
render [gameroom#]
In the renderer, you can use arrow keys to move the viewport, or 'c' to lock the viewport.
To render map format: ./tagos render <MAP_FILE>
Open a new terminal window.
cd tests
node <testfile.js>
To clean the build files: make mostlyclean
To clean everything including built libs: make clean
To convert map format: ./tagos export <IN_JSON> <IN_PNG> <OUT_JSON>