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Conflates GPS Trace Data with a Graph to Generate Speed Observations


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Conflation is an open source project / script within OpenStreetMapSpeeds that aims to approximate driving speeds on location-specific road classes using public GPS trace data. It utilizes other open-source projects and APIs such as Mapillary and Valhalla.


Conflation uses the MIT License.


This project was inspired by this issue from the Valhalla project. To summarize, Valhalla is capable of building routing tilesets and running routes on those tiles. However, the estimated time of arrival can be fairly inaccurate, especially in urban areas with high traffic. The estimated speeds were more akin to driving alone at night, which is not ideal since most people drive in the day in urbanized areas.

Conflation aims to provide a statistical approach to estimating driving speeds. Specifically, this project estimates speeds across different road classes using open-source GPS trace data. The road classes used will be taken from OpenStreetMap (OSM), which delineates between motorways, trunks, primary roads, secondary roads, residential, etc. To further refine our estimates, we will also split up our results by geographic area (country and region), as well as by urban, suburban, and rural settings.


A high-level methodology of this script is as follows:

  1. Create an output/ folder where results will be stored.
    1. This script stores intermediate results on disk, so that if a run is interrupted (either intentionally or accidentally) it can automatically pick up from where it left off. Since we eventually intend to have this script runnable on the entire planet, not having to make repeated API calls or repeat calculations will be useful.
    2. This script also will store the final results in this output folder (output/results/).
  2. Break up the given bounding box into smaller sections (to make it more manageable on the API).
  3. Make API calls to the specified GPS trace source, pulling trace data on all the bounding box sections.
  4. Filter the trace data.
    1. The driving sequence needs to contain enough trace points.
    2. The total distance traveled must exceed some threshold.
    3. The total time elapsed must exceed some threshold.
    4. The average speed needs to be within some threshold, which tells us that the user is likely driving as opposed to walking, biking, riding on a train, etc.
    5. The adjacent trace points should be within some small distance of each other (i.e. there shouldn't be any large gaps in the sequence data).
  5. Perform map matching using the Valhalla service. This provides us a set of per-edge speed approximations. These per-edge approximations will be stored on disk using the country and region as keys.
  6. Filter the map matching results.
    1. The results need to have a threshold percentage of successful matches.
  7. An overall result will be derived from the per-edge measurements from Step 5, using a statistical approach.


There is a specific JSON structure that this script outputs. Here is an example:

  "iso3166-1": "",
  "iso3166-2": "",
  "urban": {
    "way": [80,40,30,30,25,20,15,10],
    "link_exiting": [60,40,40,35,30],
    "link_turning": [60,30,25,25,20],
    "roundabout": [25,25,20,20,20,20,15,15],
    "driveway": 15,
    "alley": 10,
    "parking_aisle": 10,
    "drive-through": 10
  "rural": {
    "way": [95,60,50,40,35,25,20,10],
    "link_exiting": [55,45,40,40,35],
    "link_turning": [50,35,35,30,25],
    "roundabout": [45,35,25,25,20,20,20,10],
    "driveway": 15,
    "alley": 10,
    "parking_aisle": 15,
    "drive-through": 10


Quickstart Example

This project uses Python 3.9. The script can be run by setting up a virtualenv, installing modules from requirements.txt, and calling the conflation/ script.

Here is an example setup and run across a wide area in Manhattan NYC, with Mapillary client ID redacted (assuming you have Python 3.9 installed using python3):

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .
conflation --bbox=-74.01763916015625,40.71135347314246,-73.97266387939453,40.74556629114773 --traces-source {\"provider\":\"mapillary\",\"client_id\":\"client_id\"}
# or
python3 -m conflation --bbox=...


There are a few args that need to be specified:

Argument Behavior
--bbox Filter by the bounding box on the map, given as min_longitude,min_latitude,max_longitude,max_latitude
--concurrency The number of processes to use while running the script (default your # of cpus)
--trace-config Config JSON for the GPS trace provider; see below for more details
--map-matching-config Config JSON for the map matching provider; see below for more details

For the --trace-config and --map-matching-config arguments, JSONs needs to be specified as the value. Here are the keys accepted by both JSONs:


Currently, only Mapillary is supported as an API trace provider. The JSON can hold the following keys:

Key Behavior
provider Should be set to mapillary
client_id The Mapillary client ID that should be used for the OAuth flow. More details here
client_secret The Mapillary client secret that should be used for the OAuth flow. More details here
start_date Optional - Only traces older than this date will be pulled. Default = 5 years ago
max_sequences_per_bbox_section Optional - Number of Mapillary sequences that should be pulled for each bbox section (i.e each zoom 14 tile). Default = 500
skip_if_fewer_imgs_than Optional - Skip a Mapillary sequence if it has fewer Mapillary images than this value. Default = 30
Mapillary API Client Secret

You can obtain a client secret by doing the following (instructions last updated 11/2021):

  • Go to, create an account or log in
  • Click on Dashboard (top right corner)
  • Click on "Developers" on the left sidebar
  • Click on "Register application" and fill out the form
  • Click on "View" under "Client secret" once the application is created
  • It will look something like this: MLY|123456789|abcd1234 – only the part after the second | is necessary ( i.e. "client_secret":"abcd1234")


Currently, only Valhalla is supported as a map matching provider. The JSON can hold the following keys:

Key Behavior
provider Should be set to valhalla
base_url The base URL of your running Valhalla service (example format:
headers Optional - Headers JSON that will be passed along in each call to Valhalla


We welcome contributions to Conflation. If you would like to report an issue, or even better fix an existing one, please use the Conflation issue tracker on GitHub.

To install the project in development mode plus the needed libraries, do a pip install -e ".[dev]".

We encourage you to install the pre-commit hooks by typing pre-commit install which will run the following commands to lint and style-check your code before committing:

flake8 .
black .


To run the unit tests, simply run python (after sourcing your virtualenv). Please use the unittest module if contributing additional unit tests.


Conflates GPS Trace Data with a Graph to Generate Speed Observations







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Contributors 3

