GitHub Actions / Unit Test report 14.x
Jan 16, 2025 in 0s
253 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ report_unit.json
253 tests were completed in 8s with 253 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ test/unittests/addons/addon.js
addon.js _checkDependencies
✅ _checkDependencies - resolvable dependencies
addon.js _checkDependency
✅ _checkDependency - valid dependency
addon.js _installDependencies
✅ _installDependencies
addon.js _loadAddonModule
✅ _loadAddonModule
addon.js _registerRouter
✅ _registerRouter - instance has router
addon.js _registerStaticPath
✅ _registerStaticPath - has static path
addon.js _requireModule
✅ _requireModule
addon.js _requirePackageFile
✅ _requirePackageFile
addon.js createInstance
✅ createInstance - correct state, no errors
addon.js isBusy
✅ isBusy - true and false case
addon.js isLoaded
✅ isLoaded - valid state
addon.js isRegistered
✅ isRegistered - valid state
addon.js loadModule
✅ loadModule - correct state, no errors
addon.js register
✅ register - valid register sequence
addon.js safeToRemove
✅ isRegistered - valid state
addon.js Status
✅ Status - valid state
addon.js toJson
✅ toJson - uncorrupted addon
addon.js unregister
✅ unregister -
✅ test/unittests/addons/dynamic-router.js
dynamic-router.js removeRouter
✅ removeRouter - existing router
dynamic-router.js router
✅ router - iterate over 5 routers
✅ test/unittests/addons/index.js
addons/index.js _asyncLoad
✅ _asyncLoad - 5 addons
addons/index.js _moduleLoadError
✅ _moduleLoadError - valid error
addons/index.js _recursiveLoad
✅ _recursiveLoad - 5 addons
addons/index.js constructor
✅ constructor - created successfully
addons/index.js findAddon
✅ findAddon - existing addon
addons/index.js findAddonIndex
✅ findAddonIndex - existing addon
addons/index.js init
✅ init - valid app, server, and io
addons/index.js loadAddons
✅ loadAddons - recursive 2 valid addons
addons/index.js registerAddon
✅ registerAddon - valid addon
addons/index.js registerAddons
✅ registerAddons - valid addons
addons/index.js removeAddon
✅ removeAddon - existing addon
addons/index.js unregisterAddon
✅ unregisterAddon - valid addon
✅ test/unittests/controller/builds.js
controllers/builds.js BuildsController
✅ should define correct interface on static level
controllers/builds.js BuildsController download
✅ should call getFile and send that result to client
✅ should catch error thrown by getFile and pipe it to next
controllers/builds.js BuildsController indexParam
✅ should assign numeric Index to request root
✅ should return error when Index is unparsable
controllers/builds.js exports
✅ should export a class named BuildsController
✅ test/unittests/controller/campaigns.js
✅ constructor
✅ test/unittests/controller/events.js
✅ constructor
controllers/events.js operate create resource event
✅ require ref
✅ success
controllers/events.js operate redirectRef
✅ found
✅ not found
controllers/events.js operate resourceEvents
✅ allow to use
✅ list
✅ test/unittests/controller/groups.js
✅ constructor
✅ test/unittests/controller/index.js
✅ all
✅ create
✅ defaultModelParam
✅ find
✅ get
✅ isEmpty cb
✅ isEmpty promise
✅ Model - getter
✅ remove
✅ update
✅ test/unittests/controller/items.js
✅ _handleUpdateAvailable
✅ _handleUpdateInStock
✅ getImage
✅ update
✅ test/unittests/controller/loans.js
✅ _handleItemsInUpdate
✅ findUsersLoans
✅ update
✅ test/unittests/controller/resources.js
✅ alloc
✅ allocMultiple
✅ custom modelParam
✅ getToBody
✅ paramAlloc
✅ release
✅ releaseMultiple
✅ setDeviceBuild
✅ solveRoute
✅ test/unittests/controller/results.js
controllers/results.js buildDownload
✅ should call getBuildRef and redirect to build route
controllers/results.js createFromJunitXml
✅ should be rejected when handleJunitXml is rejected
✅ should be rejected when streamToString is rejected
✅ should result in ok
controllers/results.js handleJunitXml
✅ should be rejected when input is invalid xml
✅ should be rejected when input is not JunitXml
✅ should result in message created 2 results
controllers/results.js streamToString
✅ should concat streamed data correctly
✅ test/unittests/controller/schemas.js
controllers/schemas.js find
✅ find - no request params
✅ find - no Schema
✅ find - should return schema data
controllers/schemas.js get
✅ get - should return the schemaNames defined in the controller
controllers/schemas.js paramCollection
✅ paramCollection - should set Schema of req
✅ paramCollection - unknown collection name
✅ test/unittests/controller/testcases.js
✅ constructor
✅ test/unittests/controller/users.js
controllers/users controller
✅ create failed
✅ create success
✅ ok
controllers/users controller password
✅ changePassword
✅ changePassword with invalid token
✅ changePassword without token
✅ forgotPassword
✅ forgotPassword email not exists
✅ forgotPassword invalid email
controllers/users controller settings
✅ deleteSettings, exists
✅ deleteSettings, not exists
✅ getSettings, exists
✅ getSettings, not exists
✅ updateSettings
✅ updateSettings, already reported
✅ updateSettings, failed
controllers/users model
✅ allow to add to group and remove from group
✅ do not duplicate users in same group
✅ isAdmin
✅ reject to remove from group if not included
controllers/users model password
✅ can change password
✅ salt password by default
✅ test/unittests/master.js
app/master.js activateFileListener
✅ should emit systemRestartNeeded when master file changed
✅ should emit workerRestartEvent when a worker file is edited
✅ should not trigger restarts with unlistened events
app/master.js broadcastHandler
✅ should not throw errors with valid params
app/master.js createFileListener
✅ should return an object that provides emitter functionality
app/master.js deactivateFileListener
✅ should call removeAllListeners
app/master.js forkWorker
✅ should call fork
✅ should redirect message from worker to onWorkerMessage
✅ should reject promise on early exit
app/master.js getStats
✅ should return object with valid fields
app/master.js handleSIGINT
✅ should kill all workers
app/master.js handleWorkerExit
✅ should fork new worker when exit was not voluntary
✅ should not fork new worker when exit is voluntary
app/master.js handleWorkerRestart
✅ should call reloadAllWorkers
app/master.js initialize
✅ should call createFileListener and activateFileListener when auto-reload is true
✅ should call fork os.cpus().length times
✅ should listen for eventBus events
✅ should listen for process and cluster events
✅ should not call createFileListener and activateFileListener when auto-reload is false
app/master.js killAllWorkers
✅ should call kill for all workers defined in the cluster
app/master.js killWorker
✅ should catch kill exception
✅ should give second chance to kill worker with SIGTERM
✅ should give third chance to kill worker with SIGKILL
✅ should kill worker when SIGINT success
✅ should reject if cannot kill worker
app/master.js logMasterDeath
✅ should return 0 with success code
✅ should return 1 with no signal and a nonzero code
✅ should return 2 with signal
app/master.js logWorkerDeath
✅ should return 0 with success code
✅ should return 1 with no signal and a nonzero code
✅ should return 2 with signal
app/master.js onWorkerMessage
✅ should pass event message to correct handler
✅ should throw error with missing message type
✅ should throw error with unknown message type
app/master.js reloadAllWorkers
✅ should call reload for all workers defined in the cluster
app/master.js reloadWorker
✅ should kill worker and fork a new one
app/master.js statusHandler
✅ should emit event ( with (Master.getStats()) data
✅ should not throw error when no id defined
✅ test/unittests/routes/builds.js
routes/builds.js Route
✅ should define a parameter handler for Build parameter
✅ should define correct routes
✅ test/unittests/routes/schemas.js
routes/schemas.js Route
✅ should define a parameter handler for Collection parameter
✅ should define correct routes
✅ test/unittests/tools/eventbus/cluster-event-bus.js
eventBus/cluster-event-bus.js emit
✅ should not send event to worker that is not connected
✅ should send event to all workers
✅ should send event to master if process is a worker
eventBus/cluster-event-bus.js exports
✅ should define emit function
✅ should define forward function
eventBus/cluster-event-bus.js forward
✅ should do nothing if the process is not the master
✅ should forward event to all workers in cluster expect the sender
✅ test/unittests/tools/eventbus/event.js
eventBus/event.js Event constructor
✅ should create an event with valid parameters
✅ should throw error when meta is not an object
✅ should throw error when type is not valid
eventBus/event.js Event fromObject
✅ should create a new event from valid object
✅ should throw error when meta is not an object
✅ should throw error when type is not valid
eventBus/event.js Event toJSON
✅ should return object with all the fields from Event class
eventBus/event.js Event toString
✅ should format data as intended
eventBus/event.js exports
✅ should expose Event class
✅ test/unittests/tools/eventbus/index-file.js
tools/eventBus clusterEventHandler
✅ should add worker id to the events meta
✅ should emit/forward message to local and cluster busses
✅ should only emit to localbus if process is a worker.
tools/eventBus emit
✅ should emit message to both local and cluster bus
tools/eventBus exports
✅ should expose proper functions
✅ test/unittests/tools/eventbus/local-event-bus.js
eventBus/local-event-bus.js exports
✅ should exports class named LocalEventBus
eventBus/local-event-bus.js LocalEventBus _broadcast
✅ should emit event to "*" channel
eventBus/local-event-bus.js LocalEventBus _internal
✅ should emit event to "" channel
eventBus/local-event-bus.js LocalEventBus emit
✅ should call _broadcast and _internal
✅ test/unittests/tools/filedb.js
tools/filedb.js _checkFilenameAvailability
✅ _checkFilenameAvailability - available
✅ _checkFilenameAvailability - unavailable
tools/filedb.js _compress
✅ _compress - no data
✅ _compress - valid data
tools/filedb.js _readFile
✅ _readFile - no filename
✅ _readFile - nonexistent file
✅ _readFile - valid files
tools/filedb.js _resolveFilePath
✅ _resolveFilePath - no filename
✅ _resolveFilePath - valid filename
tools/filedb.js _uncompress
✅ _uncompress - no data
✅ _uncompress - valid data
tools/filedb.js _writeFile
✅ _writeFile - no data
✅ _writeFile - no filename
✅ _writeFile - valid files
tools/filedb.js readFile
✅ readFile - compress is rejected
✅ readFile - file not an instance of File
✅ readFile - read is rejected
✅ readFile - valid file
tools/filedb.js storeFile
✅ storeFile - compress is rejected
✅ storeFile - name already taken
✅ storeFile - not an instance
✅ storeFile - unresolvable checksum
✅ storeFile - valid files
✅ storeFile - write is rejected
✅ test/unittests/tools/update/gitUpdater.js
update/gitUpdater exports
✅ should expose a class named GitUpdater
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _checkout
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should throw error when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _clean
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should throw error when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _commitId
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should throw error when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _fetch
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should throw error when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _isClean
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should throw error if exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _reset
✅ should call exec with correct command and custom options
✅ should call exec with correct command and default options
✅ should throw error when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _tag
✅ should call exec with correct command
✅ should return undefined tag when exec fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater _update
✅ should call functions in the right order
✅ should call reset if not clean
✅ should fail if _checkout fails
✅ should fail if clean fails
✅ should fail if install fails
✅ should fail if reset fails
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater constructor
✅ should define right properties with no parameters
✅ should define right properties with parameters
update/gitUpdater GitUpdater version
✅ should fetch git version and combine it with super.version
✅ test/unittests/tools/update/index.js
update/index.js exports
✅ should export valid GitUpdater class
✅ test/unittests/tools/update/npm.js
update/npm.js exports
✅ should be a class named Npm
✅ should define intended functions
update/npm.js Npm install
✅ should catch error thrown in exec
✅ should execute a command with specified options - custom install options
✅ should execute a command with specified options - default install options
update/npm.js Npm list
✅ should be rejected when execute fails
✅ should execute list a command with specified options
update/npm.js Npm version
✅ should be rejected when execute fails
✅ should execute version a command with specified options
✅ test/unittests/tools/update/npmUpdater.js
update/npmUpdater.js exports
✅ should expose a class with name NpmUpdater
update/npmUpdater.js NpmUpdater version
✅ should call super version
✅ test/unittests/tools/update/updater.js
update/updater.js exports
✅ should expose a class with name Updater
update/updater.js Updater constructor
✅ should assign options from constructor properties
✅ should define intended properties
update/updater.js Updater update
✅ should call _revert when update fails
✅ should call functions in the right order with right parameters
✅ should raise correct error when _revert fails
✅ should reject update request when _pending has status pending
update/updater.js Updater version
✅ should return rejected Promise when _pending is pending
✅ should return the result of npm.list
✅ test/unittests/tools/utilization.js
tools/utilization.js statistics
✅ allocations
✅ allocations middle
✅ allocations overday
✅ flashes
✅ maintenances
tools/utilization.js utilization
✅ usage utilization