Releases: OperationNT414C/ShellSecBat
FW 3.55 support and display fix for huge sizes
Add support for 3.55. All credits goes to nowrep for the offsets!
Fix display issue when a size was beyond 1 TB, thanks to eviltpot for the tests!
FW 3.65 support PTEL and PDEL units
Add support for devkit and testkit on 3.65. All credits goes to nowrep for the offsets!
Thanks to Exeedy for his validation.
FW 3.67 support
Add support for FW 3.67, thanks to victorafs for the tests!
"xmc0:" partition support
Add "xmc0:" partition support which become important for SD2Vita users on FW 3.68. Thanks to BenMitnicK!
WARNING: If you use a custom configuration "ShellSecBat.txt", the "Drives:" section should be updated to include setting for this new partition (between settings for "uma0:" and "grw0:" partitions).
FW 3.68 support
Add support for 3.68 retail units. All credit goes to nowrep!
Configuration support
Configuration support has been added, it can be done though a "ShellSecBat.txt" file. Read the documentation for further information.
As consequence, "ShellDateSecBat" plugin has been removed because the same thing can be done through this configuration possibility (see "ShellDateSecBat/ShellSecBat.txt" file).
Some new features has been added (their state can be changed with configuration):
- Possibility to have year in the date display
- Customisable separators for date and drive space decimal displays
- Support of "imc0" and "grw0" partitions on drive display
- Automatically skip unmounted partitions
- Possibility change "free space" with "occupied space"
- Customisable key combination to switch drive display
3.65 retail (and 3.60 devkit) support
Add support for 3.65 retail units and 3.60 devkit units. All credit goes to nowrep!
Battery percent hidden on PS TV
The battery percent (previously fixed at 90%) is now hidden on PlayStation TV.
All other features (date, seconds and drive state) remain available on this model type.
Drive state display
You can switch to drive state display (ur0, ux0 and uma0) by maintaining SELECT+L or SELECT+R at least one second.
ShellDateSecBat - Add date in status bar
First release of ShellDateSecBat which allow to add date in the status bar.
DO NOT use both "shellsecbat.suprx" and "shelldatesecbat.suprx"!