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414 lines (320 loc) · 19.9 KB

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414 lines (320 loc) · 19.9 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getAttributeCategories GET /dgm/attribute_category Get attribute categories
getAttributeTypes GET /dgm/attribute_type Get attribute types
getEffects GET /dgm/effect Get effects
getExpressions GET /dgm/expression Get expressions
getTypeAttributes GET /dgm/type_attribute Get type attributes
getTypeEffects GET /dgm/type_effect Get type effects


List<DgmAttributeCategory> getAttributeCategories(contid, maxresults, categoryID, categoryDescription, categoryName)

Get attribute categories


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String categoryID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Category ID selector
String categoryDescription = "{ any: true }"; // String | Category description selector
String categoryName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Category name selector
try {
    List<DgmAttributeCategory> result = apiInstance.getAttributeCategories(contid, maxresults, categoryID, categoryDescription, categoryName);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getAttributeCategories");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
categoryID String Category ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
categoryDescription String Category description selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
categoryName String Category name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


List<DgmAttributeType> getAttributeTypes(contid, maxresults, attributeID, attributeName, categoryID, defaultValue, description, displayName, highIsGood, iconID, published, stackable, unitID)

Get attribute types


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String attributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Attribute ID selector
String attributeName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Attribute name selector
String categoryID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Category ID selector
String defaultValue = "{ any: true }"; // String | Default value selector
String description = "{ any: true }"; // String | Description text selector
String displayName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Display name selector
String highIsGood = "{ any: true }"; // String | High Is Good flag selector
String iconID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Icon ID selector
String published = "{ any: true }"; // String | Published flag selector
String stackable = "{ any: true }"; // String | Stackable flag selector
String unitID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Unit ID selector
try {
    List<DgmAttributeType> result = apiInstance.getAttributeTypes(contid, maxresults, attributeID, attributeName, categoryID, defaultValue, description, displayName, highIsGood, iconID, published, stackable, unitID);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getAttributeTypes");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
attributeID String Attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
attributeName String Attribute name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
categoryID String Category ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
defaultValue String Default value selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
description String Description text selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
displayName String Display name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
highIsGood String High Is Good flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
iconID String Icon ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
published String Published flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
stackable String Stackable flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
unitID String Unit ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


List<DgmEffect> getEffects(contid, maxresults, effectID, description, disallowAutoRepeat, dischargeAttributeID, displayName, distribution, durationAttributeID, effectCategory, effectName, electronicChance, falloffAttributeID, fittingUsageChanceAttributeID, guid, iconID, isAssistance, isOffensive, isWarpSafe, modifierInfo, npcActivationChanceAttributeID, npcUsageChanceAttributeID, postExpression, preExpression, propulsionChance, published, rangeAttributeID, rangeChance, sfxName, trackingSpeedAttributeID)

Get effects


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String effectID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Effect ID selector
String description = "{ any: true }"; // String | Description text selector
String disallowAutoRepeat = "{ any: true }"; // String | Disallow auto repeat flag selector
String dischargeAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Discharge attribute ID selector
String displayName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Display name selector
String distribution = "{ any: true }"; // String | Distribution selector
String durationAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Duration attribute ID selector
String effectCategory = "{ any: true }"; // String | Effect category selector
String effectName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Effect name selector
String electronicChance = "{ any: true }"; // String | Electronic chance selector
String falloffAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Falloff attribute ID selector
String fittingUsageChanceAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Fitting usage chance attribute ID selector
String guid = "{ any: true }"; // String | GUID selector
String iconID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Icon ID selector
String isAssistance = "{ any: true }"; // String | Is Assistance flag selector
String isOffensive = "{ any: true }"; // String | Is Offensive flag selector
String isWarpSafe = "{ any: true }"; // String | Is Warp Safe flag selector
String modifierInfo = "{ any: true }"; // String | Modifier info selector
String npcActivationChanceAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | NPC activation chance attribute ID selector
String npcUsageChanceAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | NPC usage chance attribute ID selector
String postExpression = "{ any: true }"; // String | Post expression selector
String preExpression = "{ any: true }"; // String | Pre expression selector
String propulsionChance = "{ any: true }"; // String | Propulsion chance selector
String published = "{ any: true }"; // String | Published flag selector
String rangeAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Range attribute ID selector
String rangeChance = "{ any: true }"; // String | Range chance selector
String sfxName = "{ any: true }"; // String | SFX name selector
String trackingSpeedAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Tracking speed attribute ID selector
try {
    List<DgmEffect> result = apiInstance.getEffects(contid, maxresults, effectID, description, disallowAutoRepeat, dischargeAttributeID, displayName, distribution, durationAttributeID, effectCategory, effectName, electronicChance, falloffAttributeID, fittingUsageChanceAttributeID, guid, iconID, isAssistance, isOffensive, isWarpSafe, modifierInfo, npcActivationChanceAttributeID, npcUsageChanceAttributeID, postExpression, preExpression, propulsionChance, published, rangeAttributeID, rangeChance, sfxName, trackingSpeedAttributeID);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getEffects");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
effectID String Effect ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
description String Description text selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
disallowAutoRepeat String Disallow auto repeat flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
dischargeAttributeID String Discharge attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
displayName String Display name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
distribution String Distribution selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
durationAttributeID String Duration attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
effectCategory String Effect category selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
effectName String Effect name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
electronicChance String Electronic chance selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
falloffAttributeID String Falloff attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
fittingUsageChanceAttributeID String Fitting usage chance attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
guid String GUID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
iconID String Icon ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
isAssistance String Is Assistance flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
isOffensive String Is Offensive flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
isWarpSafe String Is Warp Safe flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
modifierInfo String Modifier info selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
npcActivationChanceAttributeID String NPC activation chance attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
npcUsageChanceAttributeID String NPC usage chance attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
postExpression String Post expression selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
preExpression String Pre expression selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
propulsionChance String Propulsion chance selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
published String Published flag selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
rangeAttributeID String Range attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
rangeChance String Range chance selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
sfxName String SFX name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
trackingSpeedAttributeID String Tracking speed attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


List<DgmExpression> getExpressions(contid, maxresults, expressionID, arg1, arg2, description, expressionAttributeID, expressionGroupID, expressionName, expressionTypeID, expressionValue, operandID)

Get expressions


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String expressionID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression ID selector
String arg1 = "{ any: true }"; // String | First argument selector
String arg2 = "{ any: true }"; // String | Second argument selector
String description = "{ any: true }"; // String | Description text selector
String expressionAttributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression attribute ID selector
String expressionGroupID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression group ID selector
String expressionName = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression name selector
String expressionTypeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression type ID selector
String expressionValue = "{ any: true }"; // String | Expression value selector
String operandID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Operand ID selector
try {
    List<DgmExpression> result = apiInstance.getExpressions(contid, maxresults, expressionID, arg1, arg2, description, expressionAttributeID, expressionGroupID, expressionName, expressionTypeID, expressionValue, operandID);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getExpressions");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
expressionID String Expression ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
arg1 String First argument selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
arg2 String Second argument selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
description String Description text selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
expressionAttributeID String Expression attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
expressionGroupID String Expression group ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
expressionName String Expression name selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
expressionTypeID String Expression type ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
expressionValue String Expression value selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
operandID String Operand ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


List<DgmTypeAttribute> getTypeAttributes(contid, maxresults, typeID, attributeID, valueFloat, valueInt)

Get type attributes


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String typeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Type ID selector
String attributeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Attribute ID selector
String valueFloat = "{ any: true }"; // String | Float value selector
String valueInt = "{ any: true }"; // String | Integer value selector
try {
    List<DgmTypeAttribute> result = apiInstance.getTypeAttributes(contid, maxresults, typeID, attributeID, valueFloat, valueInt);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getTypeAttributes");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
typeID String Type ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
attributeID String Attribute ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
valueFloat String Float value selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
valueInt String Integer value selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


List<DgmTypeEffect> getTypeEffects(contid, maxresults, typeID, effectID, isDefault)

Get type effects


// Import classes:
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.invoker.ApiException;
//import enterprises.orbital.evekit.sde.client.api.DogmaApi;

DogmaApi apiInstance = new DogmaApi();
Integer contid = -1; // Integer | Continuation ID for paged results
Integer maxresults = 1000; // Integer | Maximum number of results to retrieve
String typeID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Type ID selector
String effectID = "{ any: true }"; // String | Effect ID selector
String isDefault = "{ any: true }"; // String | Default boolean selector
try {
    List<DgmTypeEffect> result = apiInstance.getTypeEffects(contid, maxresults, typeID, effectID, isDefault);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling DogmaApi#getTypeEffects");


Name Type Description Notes
contid Integer Continuation ID for paged results [optional] [default to -1]
maxresults Integer Maximum number of results to retrieve [optional] [default to 1000]
typeID String Type ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
effectID String Effect ID selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]
isDefault String Default boolean selector [optional] [default to { any: true }]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json