Combines Firewalld, hostname, kubevirt-csi, docker, helm, istio configuration and geerlinguy.kubernetes roles to configure a kubernetes with good security and reasonable defaults (firewall storage and network rules).
Basically, it will configure X master nodes and Y workers. You can transform this Kube into a stateful one with the help of the tcharl.ansible_volume role:you'll just have to mount the same NFS mounpoint on all your node and configure the kubevirt-csi driver to get kube storage.
- remote: /var/shared/csi
local: /net
csi_mount: Yes
This role will also generate a Kubernetes cluster admin client certificate keypair available on the master's '/home/kubecreds' machine folder
If you are on VMs, these ones should be in a 'Bridge' network mode, NAT or HostOnly will not work (BGP policies will consider IPs to come from the host, which leads to buggy behavior). If you really need NAT, consider tweaking calico BGPPeer configuration (and please contribute back to this role if you find a smart way to do so).
Bridge configuration is subnetworked/28 by default: the ip adresses of your node should ideally follow each other
As an example, see the Molecule test vars and the default variables
Example of attributes for a node part of the kube_master role
kubernetes_allow_pods_on_master: False
hostname: "master.{{ company_domain }}"
hostname_reboot: false
kube_firewall_zone: 'public'
kube_cluster_subnet: <overrode node subnet here if master_node_ip.0/24 is not expected>
- ""
Example of attributes for a node part of the kube_node role
hostname: "node.{{ company_domain }}
hostname_reboot: false
kube_firewall_zone: 'public'
- See requirements
- See collection requirements
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts:
- kube_master
- { role: tcharl.ansible_orchestration }
- hosts:
- kube_node
- { role: tcharl.ansible_orchestration }
- Twitter @tcharl
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- LinkedIn Charlie Mordant