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Releases: OussamaM1/task


29 Mar 18:31
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task [command]

Available Commands

  • add: Add a new task to your TODO list
  • completion: Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • do: Mark a task as complete, in-progress, or open
  • help: Get help about any command
  • list: List all of your incomplete tasks


  • -h, --help: Show help for the task command

Use task [command] --help for more detailed information about a specific command.


Here's an example of how to use task:

# Add a new task
task add "Write"
✅ The task has been successfully added.

# List all tasks
task list
│ ID     │         DESCRIPTION         │         STATE         │
│      1 │ Write             │ 📌 Open               |
│        │                             │                       |

# Mark a task in-progress
# format: task do <ID> <Open, In-progress, Completed>
task do 1 "In-progress"
✅ The task has been successfully updated.

# List all tasks
task list
│ ID     │         DESCRIPTION         │         STATE         │
│      1 │ Write             │ 🚀 In-progress        │
│        │                             │                       │

# Mark a task completed
# format: task do <ID> <Open, In-progress, Completed>
task do 1 "Completed"
✅ The task has been successfully updated.

# List all tasks
task list
│ ID     │         DESCRIPTION         │         STATE         │
│      1 │ Write             │ ✅ Completed          │
│        │                             │                       │

What's Changed

  • 🚜 ignore .idea folder and added small description by @OussamaM1 in #1
  • ⚡ Code refactoring && 🚜 Update .gitignore file by @OussamaM1 in #2
  • 🗒️ Creating todo storing file by @OussamaM1 in #3
  • ⚙️ Added Logger configuration for development environment by @OussamaM1 in #4
  • ⚙️ Create a CI workflow to build and test the project by @OussamaM1 in #8
  • ⚙️ Setup CI workflow action for golangci-lint by @OussamaM1 in #11
  • 🛠️ Fix golangci-lint findings by @OussamaM1 in #12
  • 🎯 Implemented logic to Open Read Write todos file by @OussamaM1 in #13
  • 🎯 Store added tasks, list tasks && 🛠️ Colorized logInfo and logWarn by @OussamaM1 in #15
  • 🛠 Added parser file for data manipulation️ by @OussamaM1 in #17
  • 📝 Added new variable ID inside the task sturct by @OussamaM1 in #21
  • 🎨 Beautify output when listing all tasks by @OussamaM1 in #22
  • ✅ Implemented logic behind the do command by @OussamaM1 in #23
  • 🛠️ Added cleanup cache github action CI by @OussamaM1 in #26
  • 🎨 Beautify list tasks by @OussamaM1 in #27
  • 📝 Updated readme file by @OussamaM1 in #29

Full Changelog: