mintlify dev --port 3333
To generate/update the python documentation for the /python-api
directory there is a ./
Depends on pydoc-markdown project and gsed
brew install gsed
pip install pydoc-markdown
Navigate into your local oxen-release project and into the oxen
directory so that it can generate from the doc strings.
# Nagivate into the oxen-release codebase where the python doc strings are
cd ~/Code/Oxen/oxen-release/oxen
# Generate the markdown for the classes
~/Code/Oxen/docs/ ~/Code/Oxen/docs/
We need a file that has the OpenAPI spec in JSON format that is served from a public server.
postman2openapi ~/Downloads/OxenServer\ API.postman_collection.json -f json | jq '.servers = [{"url": ""}, {"url": "http://localhost:3001"}]' > ~/Code/Oxen/OxenHub/priv/static/api/oxen-server-openapi-spec.json