This is a Vagrant recipe for a PostgreSQL BuildFarm animal to build the PDF docs.
The recipe supplies a special module to build the docs. The animal should only run configure and the doc builder steps, and only a change in the docs sources should trigger a build.
The machine it runs in needs to have sufficient memory, or fop will fail when building the docs. Vagrant instances with 512Mb of memory will fail, with 4Gb of memory they succeed. I don't know where the exact failure point is.
The configuration setting doc_inst
specifies where PDFs will be copied to.
If it's not set, they will be copied to the branch root of the buildfarm
This recipe works for Debian/stretch, Centos/7 and (probably) Ubuntu.
To test, in the machine where this is installed, do:
sudo su - docbuilder
and then
cd bf && ./ --test