released this
25 Nov 12:47
new functions in module tensor_train :
svd : compute global SVDs of tensor trains
conj : complex conjugate of a tensor train
TT class can now handle segments of tensor trains
new function in module ode :
sod : second-order differencing for linear differential equations
added module data_driven.transform :
methods for the construction of transformed data tensors in TT format
different basis functions
coordinate-major, function-major, and general basis decomposition
hocur : higher-order CUR decomposition
gram : compute Gram matrix of two transformed data tensors
added module data_driven.tedmd :
AMUSEt algorithm using HOSVD and HOCUR
added module data_driven.regression :
methods for solving regression problems in TT format
ARR, MANDy using coordinate-major and function-major approach, kernel-based MANDy
added examples:
ala10 : apply tEDMD to time series data of deca-alanine
mnist : tensor-based image classification of theMNIST and FMNIST data set
ntl9 : apply tEDMD to time series data of NTL9
toll_station : compute distribution of cars at a toll station
minor changes and bug fixes
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