Splash is an unofficial Unsplash Android client with the focus on software architecture.
- Clone the repository and import it to Android Studio
- Open
file - Replace your Unsplash API key with
(You can get your API key from here) - Run the app!
Splash is using an architectural pattern called MVP-VM to architect the presentation layer of the application and at it's core it's using the Clean Architecture concepts by Uncle Bob.
- You can learn how to apply Clean Architecture in an Android project.
- You can learn how to apply MVP-VM pattern in an Android project by using Architecture Component's ViewModel.
- You can learn how to use Dagger in Android in general and how to use it in a modular project.
- You can learn how to use Retrofit in an Android project.
- You can learn how to test your classes with the help of Mockito.
- You can learn how to use LiveData and ViewModel from the Architecture Components.
In my opinion, you can use MVP-VM pattern in cases where you are using several ViewModels in your View class, and you need a communicator between those ViewModels, and you don't want to have this type of logic in your View class, or perhaps you need to test this logic.