This package provides APIs to access annotations in PHP
PhpPlatform\Annotations\Annotation::getAnnotations($className, $propertyName="*", $constantName="*", $methodName="*");
is complete name of the class for which annotations are needed$propertyName
is a string of a property or array of properties for which annotations are needed$constantName
is a string of a constant or array of constants for which annotations are needed$methodName
is a string of a method name or array of method names for which annotations are needed
This library supports annotations in DocComments Annotation declaration has the format of
Where KEY
may contain subkeys seperated by .
are space
or comma
seperated strings
This Example shows the different forms of annotations and their expected values
* @key1
* @key2
* @key3.subKey1
* @key3.subKey2.subkey21 success
* @key4 v1
* @key5 (v2)
* @key6 v3 v4
* @key7 "v5\"With Space and Quotes\""
* @key8 ("v6\"With Space and Quotes\"", v7)
* @key9 ("v8\"With Space and Quotes\"", v9) description1
* @key10 ("v10 With \\", v11) description2
* @key11 ("123", v12) description3
* @key12 ("true", "false")
* @key13 v13
* @key13 1234
* @key14 (v14)
* @key14 v15
* @ notKey
* @wrongKey(v16) desc
public $testDifferrentFormatsOfAnnoptations;
The array of annotations returned from
PhpPlatform\Annotations\Annotation::getAnnotations($className, 'testDifferrentFormatsOfAnnoptations');
Will be
"testDifferrentFormatsOfAnnoptations" => [
"key1" => true,
"key2" => true,
"key3" => [
"subKey1" => true,
"subKey2" => [
"subkey21" => "success"
"key4" => "v1",
"key5" => ["v2"],
"key6" => ["v3", "v4"],
"key7" => 'v5"With Space and Quotes"',
"key8" => ['v6"With Space and Quotes"', "v7"],
"key9" => ['v8"With Space and Quotes"', "v9"],
"key10" => ["v10 With \\", "v11"],
"key11" => [123, "v12"],
"key12" => [true, false],
"key13" => ['v13', 1234],
"key14" => ["v14", "v15"]