The PRIZM metadatabase leverages SQLite and Python's sqlite3
module to keep track of the experiment's data and deployment configurations. It provides scalability, ensures data consistency, and facilitates calibration and analysis by allowing complex data intersections to be retrieved in a straightforward fashion.
Clone this repository within the directory of your choice.
git clone
Run the following commmands within the repository's directory.
chmod +x
If successful, after a few minutes a binary file named metadatabase.db
will have been generated. This file encapsulates all of PRIZM's metadata, and can be placed in whichever directory is most convenient for the user.
Next, edit the directory addresses in settings.json
to reflect the chosen locations for the metadatabase.db
file and the PRIZM data itself. As an example, for a user accessing PRIZM data through Niagara and keeping their metadatabase.db
within a prizm-data-wrangling
repository cloned to their root directory, the settings should be as follows.
"data": "/project/s/sievers/prizm",
"metadata": "~/prizm-data-wrangling"
Finally, to conclude the installation, ensure your PYTHONPATH
environment variable points to the location of the prizm-data-wrangling
Below the Data, Hardware, and Index tables which make up the PRIZM metadatabase are listed. Select a table to learn more about its structure and relationship to other tables in the schema. For an interactive diagram, click here.
The usage examples covered below assume the PRIZM metadatabase module has been imported under the following alias.
import metadatabase as mdb
SQLite queries can be executed against the metadatabase using the execute
function. For instance, the following construction can be used to retrieve the model number and description of every hardware component listed in the PRIZM metadatabase.
mdb.execute("SELECT component_model, component_description FROM HardwareComponents")
[('VAT-3+', '3 dB Fixed Attenuator, DC - 6000 MHz, 50 Ohm.'),
('6A', '3 dB Fixed Coaxial Attenuator, SMA Models A, DC - 6000 MHz.'),
('SLP-200+', 'Lumped LC Low Pass Filter, DC - 190 MHz, 50 Ohm.'),
('SHP-25+', 'Lumped LC High Pass Filter, 27.5 MHz - 800 MHz.'),
('HIbiscus', 'HIbiscus Four-Square Antenna.')]
As an example of a more complex query, the directory addresses and file names associated with the east-west polarization data gathered by the 100MHz PRIZM antenna during the first half of 2018 can be retrieved in chronological order as follows.
mdb.execute(("SELECT DataDirectories.directory_address, DataTypes.file_name, "
"FROM DataDirectories "
"JOIN DataCategories "
"ON DataDirectories.data_category = DataCategories.data_category "
"AND DataCategories.category_name = 'Antenna' "
"JOIN DataFiles "
"ON DataDirectories.data_directory = DataFiles.data_directory "
"AND DataDirectories.time_start <= strftime('%s','2018-07-01 00:00:00') "
"AND DataDirectories.time_stop >= strftime('%s','2018-01-01 00:00:00') "
"JOIN DataTypes "
"ON DataFiles.data_file = DataTypes.data_file "
"JOIN ChannelGroups "
"ON DataFiles.channel_group = ChannelGroups.channel_group "
"JOIN ChannelOrientations "
"ON ChannelOrientations.channel_orientation = ChannelGroups.channel_orientation "
"AND ChannelOrientations.orientation_name = 'EW' "
"JOIN ArrayElements "
"ON ArrayElements.array_element = ChannelGroups.array_element "
"AND ArrayElements.element_name = '100MHz' "
"ORDER BY DataDirectories.time_start "))
[('/marion2018/data_100MHz/15236/1523601399', 'acc_cnt1.raw'),
('/marion2018/data_100MHz/15236/1523601399', 'acc_cnt2.raw'),
('/marion2018/data_100MHz/15236/1523601399', 'cross_imag.scio.bz2'),
('/marion2018/data_100MHz/15236/1523601399', 'cross_real.scio.bz2'),
('/marion2018/data_100MHz/15302/1530293230', 'time_sys_stop.raw')]
PRIZM data can be loaded through the metadatabase using the load
function. This function receives lists as arguments, and returns a dictionary containing the data matching all combinations of these input lists' elements. This is illustrated below, where absolutely all data collected around April 22–23, 2018 is loaded.
mdb.load(categories=['Antenna', 'Switch', 'Temperature'],
instruments=['100MHz', '70MHz'],
channels=['EW', 'NS'],
quality=[1, 0, 'NULL'],
integrity=[1, 0, 'NULL'],
completeness=[1, 0, 'NULL'])
Alternatively, curated data selections suitable for specific analyses can be loaded through the metadatabase by referencing certain pickle files, such as those available under this repository's ../selections
subdirectory. As demonstrated below, the pickle file ../selections/2018_100MHz_EW.p
can be referenced to load all the good-quality east-west polarization data gathered by the 100MHz antenna in 2018.