Extension of the EAGO to Problems with Parametric Differential Equation Constraints
EAGODynamicOptimizer.jl is an extension to the EAGO.jl solver which makes use of approaches for computing reachability bounds of differential equations to solve optimization problems with an embedded differential equations to a certificate of global optimality.
- Currently, only supports box-constrained problems with a
embedded. - Future functionality is intended to support constrained problems.
- Additional,
will be supported in the future as novel methods become available to solve them. - Once a sufficient body of methods is provided. We'll look into supporting
as front end for this.
: creates aDynamicExt::EAGO.ExtensionType
structure that holds the buffer used by EAGO to compute relaxations and bounds of the state variables and in turn supported objectives and constraints for a givenintegrator::AbstractDERelaxIntegrator
(currently onlyODERelaxProb
is supported).EAGODynamicModel(ext::DynamicExt, kwargs...)
:add_supported_objective!(t::Model, obj)
This package currently, isn't registered (early days still). You'll need to clone this repository in order to use it, like so:
using Pkg; Pkg.clone("https://github.com/PSORLab/EAGODynamicOptimizer.jl.git")
In the below section, EAGODynamicOptimizer.jl is used solve the kinetic parameter estimation problem [1,2] wherein the problem is integrated using DifferentialInequality [3,4,5] method to construct state relaxations.
First, we load the required modules and pull in the dataset needed by the objective function.
using JuMP, EAGODynamicOptimizer, DynamicBounds, DataFrames, CSV
data = CSV.read("kinetic_intensity_data.csv", DataFrame)
data_dict = Dict{Float64,Float64}()
for r in eachrow(data)
data_dict[r.time] = r.intensity
We now define the parametric differential equation system we wish to embedded in the optimizer.
x0(p) = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; 0.4; 140.0]
function rhs!(dx, x, p, t)
T = 273.0
K2 = 46.0*exp(6500.0/T - 18.0)
K3 = 2.0*K2
k1 = 53.0
k1s = k1*10^(-6)
k5 = 0.0012
cO2 = 0.002
dx[1] = k1*x[4]*x[5] -cO2*(p[1]+p[2])*x[1] + p[1]*x[3]/K2+p[2]*x[2]/K3-k5*x[1]*x[1]
dx[2] = p[2]*cO2*x[1] - (p[2]/K3 + p[3])*x[2]
dx[3] = p[1]*cO2*x[1] - p[1]*x[3]/K2
dx[4] = -k1s*x[4]*x[5]
dx[5] = -k1*x[4]*x[5]
tspan = (0.0, 2.0)
pL = [10.0; 10.0; 0.001]
pU = [1200.0; 1200.0; 40.0]
pode_problem = ODERelaxProb(rhs!, tspan, x0, pL, pU)
We then append any other important attributes to the problem of interest. If we wanted to specify box constraints on the state variables we could do so as follows:
# define constant state bounds
xL = zeros(5)
xU = [140.0; 140; 140.0; 0.4; 140.0]
set!(pode_problem, ConstantStateBounds(xL, xU))
Next, we create a DynamicExt
that uses our preferred integrator. In this case,
will use the DifferentialInequality
integrator. EAGO is then initialized
and a JuMP model is returned with the EAGO optimizer with the specified
set. Other options for the EAGO solver may be set via keyword arguments
as usual.
dynamic_ext = DynamicExt(DifferentialInequality(pode_problem,
calculate_relax = true,
calculate_subgradient = true))
m, y = EAGODynamicModel(dynamic_ext, "verbosity" => 1, "output_iterations" => 1)
An objective function is then defined. For the ODERelaxProb
, state variables
may be referenced using the syntax x[i,t]
where i
is the ith component of the
state vector and t
is the independent variable.
# Defines function for intensity
intensity(xA,xB,xD) = xA + (2/21)*xB + (2/21)*xD
# Adds objective function
function objective_data(x, p, data_dict)
SSE = zero(typeof(p[1]))
for t = 0.01:0.01:2.0
val = data_dict[t]
SSE += (intensity(x[1, t], x[2, t], x[3, t]) - val)^2
return SSE
objective(x, p) = objective_data(x, p, data_dict)
add_supported_objective!(m, objective)
Lastly, we retrieve key information about the solution of the optimization problem
obj_value = objective_value(m)
status = primal_status(m)
solution = value.(y)
- Taylor, James W., et al. Direct measurement of the fast, reversible addition of oxygen to cyclohexadienyl radicals in nonpolar solvents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108.35 (2004): 7193-7203.
- Singer, Adam B., and Paul I. Barton. Global optimization with nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Journal of Global Optimization 34.2 (2006): 159-190.
- JK Scott, PI Barton, Bounds on the reachable sets of nonlinear control systems, Automatica 49 (1), 93-100
- JK Scott, PI Barton, Improved relaxations for the parametric solutions of ODEs using differential inequalities, Journal of Global Optimization, 1-34
- JK Scott, Reachability Analysis and Deterministic Global Optimization of Differential-Algebraic Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology