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Receive PW Sat2 with GNURadio

Michał Gumiela edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 9 revisions

Alternative options - GNURadio

NOTE: We've built dedicated, super-easy to use application for receiving PW-Sat2 signal and uploading decoded frames to our cloud service. We encourage you to use this method. Here we present an alternative option - GNURadio Companion.

How to install GNURadio on Linux

  1. Install PyBOMB: pip install pybombs

  2. Install gnuradio via PyBOMBS:

  3. Clone PW-Sat2's gr-kiss repository: git clone

  4. Build and install gr-kiss: cd gr-kiss && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/prefix/default .. && make -j3 && make install

  5. Clone PW-Sat2's gr-gpredict-doppler repository: git clone

  6. Build and install gr-gpredict-doppler: cd gr-gpredict-doppler && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/prefix/default .. && make -j3 && make install

  7. Run GNURadio by issuing in a teminal following commands: source ~/prefix/default/ and then: gnuradio-companion

  8. Clone GSControl repository - - it contains several GRC flow graphs to receive and demodulate signal:

What can I do with downlink_frames file?

Option 1

It's basically the same file that is used by our desktop application. You can run the application from binary (as described in this wiki) or source (file, using Python 2.7 interpreter). You should rename downlink_frames to file with .frames extension e.g. downlink_frames.frames to be seen by the application. Use "Load from file" button in "Cloud upload" tab in the application to send frames to our servers.

Option 2

Check out our Python script - It allows for uploading downlink_frames file generated by the GRC Demodulator (downlink.grc).

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