Simple WatchDog Timer library for Android. If not periodically reset, the wdt
object will fire a callback after a period of time defined when object is instantiated.
Add Jitpack in Project's gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" } <-- add this line
and add dependency in app's gradle file
implementation 'com.github.PaoloneM:android-wdt:1.0.0'
Let your class implement the WdtCallback
override fun onWdtExpired() {
// Do something when Wdt Expires
Create a watchdog timer
val timeout: Int = 10 // Timeout in seconds
val callback: WdtCallback = this // The callback to fire when WDT expires
val wdt: Wdt = Wdt(context, timeout, callback)
The timer starts counting, so you have to periodically reset it by calling
When you have done with it, remember to disable it by calling