Excluding discordant read pair extraction if no concordant read pair distribution can be calculated.
Fixed some contig boundry edge cases
Ignoring reads that align outside of contig bounds
Considering any kmer containing a base falling outside the contig bounds as unanchored
Not adjusting bounds of assemblies over-runing contig bounds if it would result in a negative CIGAR element length
Added configuration option to more aggressively release file handles
Supplementary records now use the primary alignment when determining whether to extract
Reducing intermediate file sizes by only extracting unmapped reads of interest (instead of all unmapped reads)
Using MC mate CIGAR SAM tag if available when estimating read fragment size
fragment size estimation now includes hard clipped bases in the base count
Ignoring split reads that fully align to one of the split alignment locations
improves handling split reads generated by bwa
SV metrics calculation no longer double-counting reads
Now handling multiple independent split read alignments for a single read.
Not setting supplementary tag on unmapped reads regardless of SA tag (prevents htsjdk validation failing)
Now passing all common command-line arguments to child programs
Deleting intermediate files immediately after the next step is complete
Reduces peak disk usage
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