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Releases: PaperMC/testing

2024-03-21: Paper without CB package relocation

21 Mar 20:47
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Do not run this jar in production; copy it to another setup. Don't worry that it is Mojang mapped, plugins jars will automatically be remapped. Only the CB package relocation cannot be handled automatically. This test is only relevant for you if you either try to parse the relocated CB package version, or if you are using internals/nms.

The first startup on this jar will take a bit longer depending on your system and number of plugins.

In the following cases you have to take action:

  • Your plugin fails to load because it tries to parse the no longer existing package version: Please see for solutions
  • You are creating a new classloader to load classes: These will not be remapped by our rewriting, so you will either have to make sure they are compatible with a Mojang mapped server without CB package relocation, or you have to use the Paper plugin classloader
  • Your plugin fails to load or run due to errors not related to package version parsing: Please report them on our Discord or under
  • You get the exception Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate entries detected: The plugin in question contains duplicate class entries, which should be solvable by improving your dependency tree or ignoring duplicate classes (ask us for help in the Discord if you need any)

You may also test whether your plugin is able to run natively on an unrelocated, Mojang mapped server by adding -Dpaper.disable-plugin-rewriting=true to your startup flags. With its proper release, you will also be able to individually disable remapping of your plugin via the jar manifest.

2024-12-21: Paper hard fork

21 Dec 16:31
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Do not run this jar in production; copy it to another setup. This is the first build where we split off our upstream, Spigot, and instead apply all of its changes and patches ourselves. From this point on, we will no longer pull all new upstream updates.

See our full forum post for more info on what this means:

All of your current 1.21.4 plugins should be 100% compatible with builds after the hard fork, it is only plugins trying to use newly introduced Spigot API that may no longer work with Paper. From now on, they will have to target paper-api instead of spigot-api.

Please report issues to if:

  • you encounter a gameplay issue, error, or crash that didn't exist in previous 1.21.3/1.21.4 builds.
  • you encounter plugin issues that didn't occur in previous 1.21.4 builds (assuming your plugin already supports the server version).