The primary objective of this project was to bring the Ethereum flavored WebAssembly (EWASM) runtime to Substrate. It enables developer collaboration between the Ethereum and Polkadot/Substrate ecosystems, and promotes inter-blockchain interoperability at the application level. You can now create a Substrate node (or Polkadot parachain) that supports the deployment and execution of EWASM smart contracts.
The project has a few components and dependencies.
- The EWASM Test Guide shows how to use the official EWASM test suite to verify the SSVM EWASM engine.
- The ssvm-evmc project provides a Rust EVMC binding for SSVM. (
- The rust-ssvm project provides a Rust interface on SSVM. (
- The pallet-ssvm project creates a "pallet" (or substrate package) that uses rust-ssvm as the substrate node's EWASM engine. (
- The substrate-ssvm-node project (this project) provides a full ssvm-node that incorporates the pallet-ssvm.
We provide a docker image secondstate/substrate-ssvm for building and running the Substrate SSVM Node.
> docker pull secondstate/substrate-ssvm
> git clone
> docker run -it --rm \
--name substrate-ssvm \
-v $(pwd):/root/node \
-w /root/node \
-p 9944:9944 \
(docker) cd substrate-ssvm-node
(docker) make init
(docker) make build
(docker) cargo run --release --bin ssvm-node -- --dev --ws-external
You can use the Substrate Web Interface(Polkadot.js) to connect with the node.
We provide a demo video to show that how polkadot.js interacts with our nodes.
And the detailed steps can be found in this tutorial.