DataSift Visual Query Editor is a visual editor for the CSDL.
More details here:
The VQB is available on Bower:
bower install jcsdl
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../minified/jcsdl.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../minified/jcsdl.definition.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../minified/jcsdl.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<div id="editor"></div>
// returns editor instance
var editor = new JCSDL.GUI('#editor', {
// options
var code = ''; // read code from somewhere
Or as jQuery plugin:
// returns jQuery object (for chaining)
// options
var code = ''; // read code from somewhere
$("#editor").jcsdlGui('loadJCSDL', code);
You can pass an object literal as the 2nd argument of the constructor (or 1st argument when using the editor as jQuery-plugin).
save : function(code) {
// function to execute when user clicks the save button
hideTargets : ['facebook'], // array of targets to hide
cancelButton : true, // false if you want to hide the cancel button, selector or jQuery object if you want to use your own
saveButton : null, // false if you want to hide the save button, selector or jQuery object if you want to use your own
googleMapsApiKey : '', // your own Google Maps API key
mapsMarker : 'jcsdl/img/maps-marker.png', // path to the maps-marker.png if it doesn't work for you
// event hooks - functions called on various events happening in the editor
// 'this' always refers to the editor instance
change : function() {},
save : function(code) {},
saveError : function(error) {},
cancel : function() {
invalidJCSDL : function(code) {},
viewModeChange : function(mode) {},
filterNew : function() {},
filterEdit : function(filter) {},
filterDelete : function(filter) {},
filterSave : function(filter) {},
filterCancel : function(filter) {},
targetSelect : function(target) {},
operatorSelect : function(operator) {},
caseSensitivityChange : function(on) {},
// logic event hooks
logicChange : function(logic) {},
logicError : function(error) {},
advancedLogicChange : function(expression) {},
manualLogic : function() {},
manualLogicChange : function(expression) {},
graphicalLogic : function() {},
graphicalLogicChange : function(expression) {},
graphicalLogicTokenMove : function(expression) {},
parenthesisAdd : function(expression) {},
parenthesisDelete : function(expression) {},
logicOperatorSwitch : function(expression) {},
The editor uses Bundy to build minified version. Install it using NPM:
$ npm install
And then run the build script also using NPM:
$ npm run build
This will minify all JavaScript and CSS files and copy image files and place them inside minified/
Optionally, you can specify a target directory if deploying to an existing application:
$ npm run build -- --out '/path/to/my-project/js/datasift-editor'