Activate running enviroment: a) Install virtualenv by running 'pip install virtualenv'. You should run it only once b) execute 'virtualenv venv' c) execute 'source venv/bin/activate' or on Windows 'venv\Scripts\activate' d) at any time you can run 'deactivate' to deactivate the enviroment
Install requirements: execute 'pip -r install requirements.txt' or 'pip install -r requirements.txt' for Windows
make sure mysql is install, user is created, and privilerges are granted As an example you can run the following:
- mysql -uroot, mysql -u root -p for Windows
- CREATE USER 'genshopuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'GenShop_123';
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'genshopuser'@'localhost';
- exit as root user with '\q'
- login as a created user: mysql -u genshopuser -p
Open configs/config.yaml and add valid path to log file to path_to_log_file param
To run application: python3 -m run -config=configs/config.yaml