Modified plugin for auto completion in eclipse 修改eclipse自动补全插件
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Pelloz's Blog
This plugin is taken from eclipse 4.4.2 and is modified a little to improve auto completion user experiences.
Generally, it enables Tab key to down select word candidates. Also it disables some annoying auto completion behaviors like ";""=""space".
The position I modified is "org.eclipse.jface.text/src/org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist/",from line 1361 to line 1371.
###Modify: if(contains(triggers, key)) ###To: if(key!=0x20&& key!='='&& key!=';'&& contains(triggers, key))
It is recommended that the user set 'Window->Preferences, Java->Editor->Content Assist, Content Assist->Auto Activation->Auto Activation triggers for java' to ' .abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'
#How to use Use Eclipse to Import the whole source to workspase,check the code like above,then Export->Deployable plugins and fragments,click Next,choose Destination TabControl,choose Directory and Finish.A new file was generated like "org.eclipse.jface.text_3.9.2.v20141003-1326.jar",copy the jar file to Eclipse's installation directory "./eclipse/plugins/" and cover the original one.Of coures you'd better to backup the original one for insurance purposes.At last,reboot the Eclipse.
#How to download the original code source I download the source from here.