Hi! This application is developed and finished on 21st August 2022. In this application, you show your creative writing skills by writing your own blogs. You can write unlimited blogs and the only thing you need to do is register or login. So, this application might be a great help for you if you are interested in writing blogs. Besides, it has many features such as showing the author and showing the uploaded time of the blog.
- Node.js ( version - 16.15.0 )
- Express ( version - 4.18.1 )
- MongoDB ( version - 5.0.9 )
- Mongoose ( version - 6.5.2 )
- bcrypt ( version - 5.0.1 )
- connect-flash ( version - 0.1.1 )
- ejs ( version - 3.1.8 )
- express-fileupload ( version - 1.4.0)
- express-session ( version - 1.17.3 )
- html-to-text ( version - 8.2.1 )
- mongoose-unique-validator ( version - 3.1.0 )
Hi! I am Peter Aung and this is my first time coding a real world backend application by utilizing Node.js, Express and MongoDB as well as other dependencies and also I am still 15 years old today. I am really keen on coding and my ambition is to become a Javascript developer.
To create this project, I used the book called Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB development by Greg Lim as the main reference as well as other internet sources and documentations.
This markdown file can be quite boring and cringe since this is my first time writing it but thank you so much for reading it till the end. q(≧▽≦q)