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Easy solution for the rapid creation of Web interfaces in embedded systems. This is a wrapper over basic JavaScript functions, not a framework.

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Easy solution for the rapid creation of Web interfaces in embedded systems. This is a wrapper over basic JavaScript functions, not a framework. The main urge for the creation was the preservation of the usual Jquery syntax and getting rid of unnecessary functionality to minimize the library size. Also, a number of methods not included in the basic Jquery functionality were added.


  • does not have external dependencies, pure JavaScript (ECMA)
  • method of using templates to update data.
  • method of automatically creating forms from an external source.
  • method of converting a form into an object.
  • includes css styles dashboard based on
  • compact, <10Kb code size in the version of minification.



J now on public CDN:

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Jquery compatible features:

methods with DOM tree:

Jquery J
.append (.insertBefore) .Before(HTMLelement) Insert before the selected element
.prepend (.insertAfter) .After(HTMLelement) Insert after the selected element
- .Find("selector") Find HTML element from tree
- .Filter("selector") Filtred HTML element from tree
- .Next("selector") Next HTML element from tree
- .Prev("selector") Prev HTML element from tree
- .Parent("selector") Parent HTML element from tree
- .Children("selector") Children HTML element from tree

methods with classes and styles:

Jquery J
.AddClass Add class
.RemoveClass Delete class
.ToggleClass(classname,classname) Toggle class
.HasClass Has is class
.Css Get css from element
.Attr(key,value) Set attribute to element

methods HTML/Text:

Jquery J
.html .Html("text") Overwrite text in an element
- .HtmlAppend("text") Append text in an element
- .HtmlReplace(pattern, replace) Replace 'pattern' to 'replace' in the text of the element
.empty .HtmlEmpty() Delete text in an element
.text .Text() Get/Set text from an element

methods an objects HTMLElement:

Jquery J
$(id/class/tag) J(id/class/tag) Get element by id/class/tag
.ready .Ready() Wait for page load
- J.fn.isUndefined(object) Test for undefined or null
.on .On(action,function) Add event raising for 'action'
.off .Off(action,function) Remove event raising for 'action'
- .OnClick(function) Add event raising for action 'onclick'
.click .Click() Click element
.hide .Hide() Hide element
.show .Show() Show element
.fadeIn .FadeIn() Disappearing element
.fadeOut .FadeOut() Appearance of an element
.find .Find(tag/id) Find from childs
- .Template(object) Get the processed template from the data object
- .Breadcrumbs(tag,options,bool)
Auto navigation bar - Breadcrumbs. Parameters: tag is template id, options is named directory object, bool is add query to path
- .FormToObject() Get object from form data
- .ObjectToForm(data,style) Create a form from the data object data and object style
- J.fn.HumanizeFileSize(number) Human readable file size, return string

communication Network methods:

Jquery J
.ajax J.fn.GetJSON(url,callback[,user,password]) Get object from remote Json data
.ajax J.fn.SendJSON(url,data,callback[,user,password]) Send object by POST method in Json data format
.ajax J.fn.SendBin(url,data,[callback,progress,user,password]) Send binary data by POST method, not 'multipart/form-data' format!
- J.JsonRPC(endpoint[,user,password]) JSON-RPC Object helper, endpoint is URI
- J.JsonRPC.DataRequest return (array) get/set - data Request
- J.JsonRPC.DataResult return (array) get - data Result
- J.JsonRPC.DataErrors return (array) get - errors before .Send
- J.JsonRPC.isErrors return (bool) get - is errors found
- J.JsonRPC.SetEndPoint(endpoint) set URI
- J.JsonRPC.CallBack(function) callback from send request
- J.JsonRPC.SetCredentials(user,password) Basic Authorization
- J.JsonRPC.Request(method, value, id) make request
- J.JsonRPC.Send() send request(s)
- J.JsonRPC.Parse(data) parse data request(s), compatibility only



J.Ready(function () {
	J.fn.GetJSON("", console.log.bind(console));


var data = { id: 1, other: "test" };
J.Ready(function () {
	J.fn.SendJSON("", data, console.log.bind(console));

SendBin remote binary data (example, local file) ! using binary stream, not 'multipart/form-data' format !

HTML part:

<form name="frmupload" id="upload-form">
<input type="file" name="infile" id="in-file" accept=".*"/>
<label for="in-file">Upload Files</label>
<progress value="0" max="100" id="infile-pg"></progress>
<input type="submit" value="Send"/>

JavaScript part:

var frmf = J("#in-file")[0],
    file = frmf.files[0];

J("#upload-form").On("submit", function (e) {
	if (file) {
        J("#infile-pg").Attr("max", file.size).Show();
        J.fn.SendBin("/url/upload?" +, file,
            function (t, s) {
            function (c, t) {
                J("#infile-pg").Attr("value", c)


J.Ready(function () {
	var data = J("#form-id").FormToObject();


short example, see: formDataObject defaultStyleObject

J("#div-id-to-form").ObjectToForm(formDataObject, defaultStyleObject);

or for default embedded style:


full data example:

	/* Object form data */
	    title: "This New Form",
	    properties: { name: "form2", id: "form-2" },
	    form: [
	        type: "string", title: "First Name",  required: 1,
	            properties: { type: "text", name: "str1", id: "str1-id", class: "textfield textfield-shadow", placeholder: "I'm placeholder 1" }
	        type: "string", title: "No param",
	            properties: { name: "str2" }
	        type: "text", title: "Descripton for Name",
	            properties: { name: "txtarea1", id: "txtarea1-id", class: "textfield textfield-shadow textfield-radius", rows: 3, placeholder: "I'm placeholder textarea" }
	        type: "boolean", title: "is Yes/No checkbox?",
	            properties: { name: "chk1", title: "you Answer?", checked: true }
	        type: "enum", title: "is Enumerator?",
            enum: [
                { properties: { name: "enum1", title: "FRUIT", value: "fr" }},
                { properties: { name: "enum1", title: "APPLE", value: "ap" }},
                { properties: { name: "enum1", title: "BANAN", value: "bn", checked: true }},
                { properties: { name: "enum1", title: "CHERY", value: "ch" }}
	        type: "select", title: "is Selector?",
	            properties: { name: "select1", multiple: true },
            list: [
                { properties: { title: "FRUIT", value: "fr" }},
                { properties: { title: "APPLE", value: "ap" }},
                { properties: { title: "BANAN", value: "bn", selected: true }},
                { properties: { title: "CHERY", value: "ch", disabled: true }}
	        type: "hidden",
	            properties: { value: "0987654321" }
	        type: "submit",
	            properties: { name: "submit", id: "submit-id1", value: "Submiting.." }
	        type: "reset",
	            properties: { name: "reset", id: "reset-id1", value: "Reseting.." }
    onsubmit: function(event, form, data) {
            console.log("Data submiting:", data);
            return false;
	/* Object css styles class name */
    form:    "form",
    group:   "form__group",
    label:   "form__label",
    rlabel:  "form__label-required",
    xbox:    "form__wrapper-box",
    string:  "textfield textfield-shadow textfield-radius",
    text:    "textfield textfield-shadow textfield-radius",
    boolean: "checkbox checkbox-blue",
    enum:    "radio radio-blue",
    select:  "select select-radius",
    button:  "button button-outline-blue",
    submit:  "button button-radius button-outline-blue",
    reset:   "button button-radius button-outline-red"


HTML source:

	<script id="template-list-item" type="text/template">
	    <a href="{{.url}}">{{}}</a>, {{}}, {{}}
	<div id="txt-template"></div>

JavaScript source:

			{ url: "", p: { name: "Andy", city: "TownCity", info: "extended info" }},
			{ url: "", p: { name: "Angry", city: "MiniCity", info: "no info" }},
			{ url: "", p: { name: "Beer", city: "BeerCity", info: "" }}

Template && GetJSON remote data

J.Ready(function () {
		function (data, status) {
		    if (status) {
			} else {


HTML source:

	<script id="template-breadcrumbs" type="text/template">
		<a href="{{.url}}">{{.path}}</a>{{.sep}}
	<div class="alert alert-radius alert-blue">
		<span id="breadcrumbs-path" class="breadcrumbs">
			<a href="/"><i class="icon-home"></i></a>&nbsp;

JavaScript source:


or include query string:


or extended named options:

set any path name in options object, replace '-.&=?' to '_'

replace example: 'myfile.html' = 'myfile_html'

var opt = {
	home: "Directoy Home",
	about: "Directoy About",
	myfile_html: "My Portfolio",
	query_host: "Query show base",



J.Ready(function () {

Short call:

	var jrpc = new J.JsonRPC("");


	var user = "user", password = "passwd";
	var jrpc = new J.JsonRPC("",user,password);


	var jrpc = new J.JsonRPC("");

create Request:

	jrpc.Request("generateIntegers", {n:3, min:0, max:10});
			method - RPC method (remote function),
			params - parameters for method,
			id of the RPC request, if not, it is automatically exposed.
	jrpc.CallBack(function (id, data, status) {
		/*  id - RPC request id,
			data - return request data or error string,
			status - bool, communication error or Json-RPC package, in this case false.
		console.log("JsonRPC return:", id, data, status);

	console.log("DataRequest", jrpc.DataRequest);

	if (jrpc.isErrors) {
		console.log("isErrors", jrpc.isErrors);
		console.log("DataError", jrpc.DataError);
	console.log("DataResult", jrpc.DataResult);



Easy solution for the rapid creation of Web interfaces in embedded systems. This is a wrapper over basic JavaScript functions, not a framework.






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